View Full Version : HELP !!! doctors cutting my meds right down for cost reasons

27-07-13, 10:21
Guys ,as some of you know who have been following my life on hear,you will know iv been in a better place for a while now,mainly due to being on the right medications,{ not because of life style changes }
the problem i have is iv been with a new surgery for a couple of months now and from the begining he told me he cant give me liquid trazadone for long because its excpencive.i argueed and told him iv been on this before coming to this new surgery and if he stops it i will become ill.Well yestaerday he told me iv got to cut it right down because the goverment wont alow me to stay on it..Im on 250mg every night and feel its working for me.he has tolld me i have to cut it down to 150.mg.....thats a masive drop...he said drop ot by 50mg this month and 50 next..that meens ill be back down to aa dose that wont be helping my depression anymore and i told him when i was on 150mg it wasnt helping me but the 250 is..but he just didnt seem to care.its all about cost to this surgery...Any advice what i can do

27-07-13, 10:25
I think I would be writing to my MP and the Health Minister. You never know, can't harm...

28-07-13, 15:06
That's really unfair! Maybe you could look for another surgery?

28-07-13, 15:19

Did he not suggest moving to the trazodone tablets or capsules as they will be a lot cheaper?


28-07-13, 15:24
You could have a 150mg tablet and a 100mg capsule and you've got the 250mg. It will have the same effect as its exactly the same ingredients. I'm on the tablets

28-07-13, 22:13
He was saying im on a high dose an my liver would be at risk.as well as the cost.but i will go back tomorow and ask about 100mg tablet and 150mg liquid....good idea

28-07-13, 22:24
Good luck with that :)

28-07-13, 23:40
I really hope you get this sorted, it seems so unfair. I know I have had meds changed before now due to costs. When money is involved people don't seem to matter any more.
Really hope you get a good result with your GP.

29-07-13, 09:13
He was saying im on a high dose an my liver would be at risk.as well as the cost.but i will go back tomorow and ask about 100mg tablet and 150mg liquid....good idea

Let us know how you get on Greg, all so what happened about the job and heights :)
Kim x

29-07-13, 09:40
ok you need to find out is the issue cost or your health? if its cost then go to another dr or surgery if its damaging your health speak to dr and ask if there is a less damaging med you can have, they cannot take chances with depression and lack of meds so keep asking questions and dont give up blessings

29-07-13, 09:59
Well he said the goverment wont alow me to stay on the 250mg trazadone and that its a high dose and in time could damage my liver...but a pharmasist said to me doses can go as high as 600mg fir some people and didnt think mine was perticualy high.so i think the bottom line is the cost.esp as when i joined this syrgery the first thing he said when i told him im on liquid trazadone was,thats excpencive and you may not be able to stay on that high dose.and that was before he read any of my notes...Kim i had to give uo the job after 1 day.so sad.although im more confedent in myself.i was unaware this job involved going uo very takl buildings in london all day long.very tall.if it was just the odd one i might have been able to manage it,but it was lots.and they were around 20~50 storys high.and going up in lifts.some of the lifts were on the outsides of the buildings and made of glass.so you could see all around you..to much for even me im afraid..to much to quick...shame..im sure anither job will come by soon

29-07-13, 10:12

I still think you should ask about the tablets/capsules. The liquid costs £47 per pack and the tabs/caps to make up 250mg cost £7. If cost really is the issue, I can't understand why he didn't suggest this.


29-07-13, 10:30
My husband had lots of trouble getting his eye wash on prescription ( he has a condition with his eye. It does not affect his sight).
There was one GP in the practice that would prescribe but none of the others would.
We told this to the eye specialist at the hospital. We told her we could not do with the hassle every month. Anyway she told us about this new eye wash.
But we have to buy it. I don't think it's fair at all. Best of Luck Greg

29-07-13, 22:31
Well he said the goverment wont alow me to stay on the 250mg trazadone and that its a high dose and in time could damage my liver...but a pharmasist said to me doses can go as high as 600mg fir some people and didnt think mine was perticualy high.so i think the bottom line is the cost.esp as when i joined this syrgery the first thing he said when i told him im on liquid trazadone was,thats excpencive and you may not be able to stay on that high dose.and that was before he read any of my notes...Kim i had to give uo the job after 1 day.so sad.although im more confedent in myself.i was unaware this job involved going uo very takl buildings in london all day long.very tall.if it was just the odd one i might have been able to manage it,but it was lots.and they were around 20~50 storys high.and going up in lifts.some of the lifts were on the outsides of the buildings and made of glass.so you could see all around you..to much for even me im afraid..to much to quick...shame..im sure anither job will come by soon
Hi I am not scared of heights as such but would not have liked that, the good thing is you say you are more confident which is good and yes another job will come along. You will get there x

29-07-13, 22:41
Thanks guys.im going to try and see what my doctors will do about getting half and half..thabks kim for your suport.