View Full Version : Panicking I've messed up something at work!

27-07-13, 12:16
Hiya at work I am under some kind of test to see if I be a machine 'supervisor' instead of just a worker on the lines.
Yesterday I had to do end of job paperwork for the first time and I'm panicking that its all wrong!
I didn't get much help but knew the jist of what I had to to do but I don't think I put the white slips with the job sheet that I think should be their. I will give them to my manager Monday. But I also messed up a returns slip so I did a new one but forgot to cancel the old one! I do want the job but I've made. A few mistakes.
Do you think that's expected the first time?

27-07-13, 12:55
I reckon your best bet is to be proactive in this and say to the manager "I wasn't 100% sure whether blah blah slip went with blah blah form. I decided to do it such and such way but am not sure if this is procedurally correct... Is it or have I missed something?"

Most decent managers aren't expecting perfect automatons so a few mistakes shouldn't be a problem. However, the way you deal with mistakes is important. If you try to actively identify errors and then sort them out in a sensible fashion this shows good problem solving skills. These are the skills that should impress your boss.

Good luck with it and try not to worry.

27-07-13, 13:17
It's taken me a long time to get him just to give me a chance and I feel I have messed it all up already!...
I know where the white slips are so will take them to him Monday and ask him what questions I have

27-07-13, 20:54
I remember now I did hand in the white slips on the Thursday so all is ok their.
However theirs one more thing I need to tell him about haha...

I do want the job but I'm scared I'm not going to be good enough

28-07-13, 12:04
I remember now I did hand in the white slips on the Thursday so all is ok their.
However theirs one more thing I need to tell him about haha...

I do want the job but I'm scared I'm not going to be good enough


I reckon we anxious types are particularly vulnerable to Imposter Syndrome and your fear of not being good enough makes you sound like you are affected. Remember that the fact that you are concerned about doing the job well enough, makes you sound perfect for the job. Worrying about getting it right will make sure you generally do get it right!

28-07-13, 14:37

I didn't get of to a good start with my boss.
He disliked me for ages and was a bit of a bully. After a year now he has decided to give me a chance so I don't want to mess it up!
I have two things to tell him tomorrow. Their not really mistakes just something he needs to know about, and anyway one mistake was not made by me as such.
I was returning some cases to to the stores and I said we had 952 to return but they didn't tell me I had two more pallets in the stores which bought me up to 4567 cases and I then wrote out a new returns slip but forgot about the other one I sent in saying 952 which could confuse the stores... Lol.

Interesting I've never really worried about being good enough for anyone before really. Just with this case really.
I'm sure ill feel better when it's off my chest tomorrow.

28-07-13, 20:06
This thread really helps me, so I want to thank everyone who has participated. It feels like all of my anxiety is work-related (I have really focused on my career for a long time). I like the sound of "Imposter Syndrome". It is really true that employers value problem-solving skills over the ability to be right all the time? I made some mistakes on my new job lately due to lack of professional experience, and I have major jitters about reporting on it, so that they can be corrected.

28-07-13, 20:36
Yes it's hard isn't it.
I don't enjoy my job as such,
It's repetitive so I'm doing the same thing a lot but this slightly higher up job although doing the same thing with added additions will give me more to have to think about and paperwork which stimulates my brain better and makes time go quicker lol.

I am nervous about saying what I need to say to him in the morning :(

28-07-13, 21:41
Em.ma, I don't know if this will help you or be just the reverse.

I spent Friday night and Saturday getting space from my situation, and set aside today as my day to deal with it. I've reviewed my notes, have had some tears, and am now recording outcomes and solutions, as part of reporting things in the best light (without hiding the truth). I tend to self-deprecate and self-blame too much, which is why Imposter Syndrome caught my attention. It sounds like you have solutions too, so I'm hoping that when you report those tomorrow, it will be a positive that a balanced professional will understand (I hope your boss is one!).

Can you post here tomorrow on the outcome?

30-07-13, 19:31
Hiya guys!
Well I told him. He was fine just nodded.
I am running the line tomorrow. A new job set up on it, bit nervous as before I start I have lots to do, (paperwork) moving things in for the job but I don't want to waste to much time as I have to get the numbers out to prove I'm good enough (luckily I have someone with me who knows what to do) the manager has told me he is their to help me if I need it but he wants to me practice running the lines.