View Full Version : counselling and xray

27-07-13, 12:35
just saw a 3rd GP and he is referring me for counselling.

xray is all normal.

i am concerned about these pressure headaches this week.

he tells me all my symptoms can be due to anxiety. my swollen glands are probably post viral and will take a while time to go down- if at all.

he gave me a full MOT, checked my heart, lungs, abdomen, moles etc - says nothing to suggest cancer.

this is getting crazy now, just dont understand how all this pain can be from anxiety. he has encouraged me to try the prozac :(

27-07-13, 13:38
It's really good that you've had such a thorough check up. I'm sorry the good news about the chest X-ray hasn't helped allay your fears but I do know how that feels. I was the same after I had a clear MRI about 12 years ago. You sound a bit like me in that at the back of your mind you can't accept that someone as supposedly strong as yourself can succumb to something like anxiety. Do you feel it makes you a weak person in some way? I know I do. I know you're having a hard time accepting this but think about all the people on this site who have the same symptoms for no other reason than our minds playing up. I t.hink if you try to accept this you may find a way to relax and start to overcome it. That's not to say everything will magically get better overnight. If it did I wouldn't be in need of this wonderful site. You say the doc has suggested you try Prozac. Have you never taken ADs before? It's down to you of course and I wouldn't promise they would be a miracle cure but they have certainly helped me.
Good luck in whatever you decide.

27-07-13, 13:50
The simplest explanation is that anxiety and stress lead to increased muscle tone. Tone is simply a partial contraction and anyone who has ever carried around something heavy knows you ache afterwards... now imagine those same muscles are tensed all day long, and you can see why this leads to joint and muscle pain :)

27-07-13, 14:10
Hello Darren,

I was really really worried about my headaches for a long time. I thought I had a brain tumor. Suddenly, I felt a swollen lymph node on my neck. Sure enough, I no longer thought I had a brain tumor, but I was positive it was lymphoma. I obsessed about lymphoma for weeks and weeks, driving myself into panic attacks. I noticed one thing though-- my headaches and neurological symptoms were gone, only to be replaced by this constant obsession and worry about my lymph nodes. So I went to the doctor and was given the all clear about the lymph nodes. Later that same day, I had my first headache in a month. I was back to brain tumor anxiety. It's amazing how our minds can play tricks on us.

Take care. I hope you feel better soon.

-- Jen

28-07-13, 14:17
trying to stay calm and focused on something else seems to ease the headache.

i dont have one today but worried im masking it with paracetamol. Although earlier in the week pain killers were not working at all.

28-07-13, 15:57
Glad to read your X-ray came back normal :) that does rule out gland fear being related to lymphoma ( I'm pretty sure it was you, sorry of not) I had the exact same fear. I've now had swollen glands behind my neck and in the groin for 5 years now and it all started from glandular fever. So I guess they will always feel bigger now.
I know it costs alot but if it gets rid of the fear have a head scan? But then again with ha, they'll rule hinges out and we will obsess over something else :( I hope the counselling can help you