View Full Version : Can't stop worrying!

27-07-13, 13:46
I can't stop worrying that there is something else wrong with me other then anxiety. I keep thinking what if i lose my mind or go crazy. My palms are sweaty all day, my mouth is dry and i have this nervous feeling in my stomach.

I am constantly analyzing my thoughts and behavior looking for signs of a mental illness like skiz or something else being wrong with me :( I just can't get the worry about my head.. my mind keeps bringing up the thought and thinking of the worst thing. What if i have some terrible mental illness or brain problem :(

Im always worrying about the worst thing happening.. if i get a pain in my arm i think of heart attack, a weird feeling in my brain i worry about passing out and a weird thought i worry about going crazy..

How do i stop worrying? How can i be sure theres nothing wrong

28-07-13, 19:41
hi what you are going through is not uncommon for those of us with anxiety and depression, i am guessing you are not on meds for this, i would suggest going to talk to your dr and see what they suggest there is no need for putting yourself through this when you can have help meds have helped me so much it enables you to be able to live your life normally good luck and blessings