View Full Version : Feel Like Running Out the House So Scared

Female healthanxiety
27-07-13, 15:20
So you may have read my post yesterday.

I am on my own today and am convinced so ergo g serious is wrong :-( I have had a dizzy feeling since Wednesday and as a result have not been work since Thursday.

I have had a wheezy cough (no phlegm) and have this constant need to swallow as I feel there is something in it, when I do I do actually swallow something. I keep getting sweats, and every time I cough my head hurts.

My HA had always been stroke, heart attack or brain tumour. I can hardly move my neck and web I do feels uncomfortable, my neck muscles and arms and shoulders feel so stiff and whatever it is is making me feel sweaty and dizzy :-(((((( I also feel sick.

I really really feel like going A&E, but I do not wanna give into my HA, as I have not been hospital for about a year!!! But I'm so worried something is wrong with me and I am going to die this time. I also keep sleeping and I feel so tired :-(.

I just had a shower and was petrified I had to get out, so quickly. :-( feel so alone.

As I am writing, I have sweat on my hairline and in between my boobies :-( I never sweat even when exercising :-(

Please respond and thank you xxxxx

---------- Post added at 15:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:54 ----------

Oh and my eyes look so red :-(

27-07-13, 16:45
Well it doesn't resemble heart failure, stroke , heart attacks or brain tumours in the slightest, regardless of what Google is telling you. It sounds like a nasty viral infection, possibly 'flu.

27-07-13, 18:11
Oh hunny I know the feeling, I ran myself to A and E thinking I was having a pulmonary embolism. I wasn't, but google told me I was, so I know exactly how you feel.

(Im still worrying about PE now actually but thats a different thread!)

It doesn't sound like what you think but I know how incredibly.hard that is to believe.when you're feeling so ill. Do you have an out of hours GP? Id pop along there or.ring the nhs helpline. I.sure youre fine but I totally understand the need for reassurance, and as my GP said to me the other day part of their job is to reassure people.

Hope you feel better soon xx

---------- Post added at 18:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:05 ----------

Dont think of it as giving into.your anxiety
Your ill, you'd like to know what's wrong so you can get better, thats all :)

I mean this in the nicest way possible, you could have a hundred posts saying its not.serious you'll be.fine etc and you wont believe them. I only say this because I am exactly the same, get the reassurance then.hopefully you may feel better xxx

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 14:35
Thanks Joehall and STrawberrys,

I always feel like I will fail if I go to the GP- I visited about 4 months ago and the DR said I have not seen you in a while - well done!!!!

Today my neck and head is still stiff and I googled and of course 'meningitis' is coming up :-(

I feel like a failure, I can't take any more time off work as I have already had a disciplinary ad I have had so much time off already, plus I'm stressed because my younger sister is going through depression and of purse am feeling the backlash of all if that......
