View Full Version : job worries

27-07-13, 15:27
Hi all. as many of you who may have read about my recent job problems. im now out of work and desperate to get back to working. all this has created so much anxiety and worries for the future and even wondering if i will ever find a job again. ive had a few interviews but have heard nothing since. the anxiety is killing me! is there a better way i should be dealing with this?

28-07-13, 14:07
Hi all. as many of you who may have read about my recent job problems. im now out of work and desperate to get back to working. all this has created so much anxiety and worries for the future and even wondering if i will ever find a job again. ive had a few interviews but have heard nothing since. the anxiety is killing me! is there a better way i should be dealing with this?

I know the feeling. I have anxiety which has got worse over the past year and a half. I managed to get a job about a year ago after suffering from an anxiety spell and had to leave about three months ago due to staff cutbacks. I've been living on my savings but they're about to run out and I'm desperate to get a job. In the past month or so I've had about six interviews and have been rejected for all of them despite giving good interviews. This has made my anxiety and worrying even worse. Luckily enough I went for an interview last week and got the job but its subject to a one week work trial which is about to start tomorrow! which I'm worrying about. I really need this job and the money and I'm even more anxious now that I'm going to mess it up. I take medication for my anxiety which takes a little bit of the edge off but does not take it completely away.

I dealt with the disappointment of being rejected/being unemployed by trying to force myself to do things to take my mind off it i.e. going out for a walk, forcing myself to watch a film and trying my best not to think about it. You're obviously must be doing something right because you're getting interviews. There's also no harm in calling up the employer to see if you've been rejected or not which could help ease the anxiety of not knowing. You also have to force yourself to remind yourself that you will eventually get a job. I know its tough but you will get there in the end. :)