View Full Version : Hetero/Homo/Bisexuality

27-07-13, 16:10
Do you identify yourself as straight, gay/lesbian or bi? How did you find out and how did you let others know? :)

So, here goes my story: As a small kid, i wasn't attracted neither to boys or girls. I saw all kids as "siblings" and i really didn't care about their gender. However, i used to play more with boys than girls. As i was growing up, the groups started to separate. Girls hang out with girls and boys with boys. I was a typical tomboy. I was attracted to boys, but i also remember being confused about my feelings for my closest friend. I was terribly worried i might liked her in the same way she liked boys, and i kept thinking to myself that this thought was ridiculus and nonsense. After all, she was kinda "under my protection" because she was bullied a lot, and i had develloped some affection for her.
In highschool, i was attracted to some boys but also to a tomboy (in the 2nd grade), but again i was trying to convince myself that this couldn't happen. I thought it was "unnatural" and "bad". I met her again last summer, after a few years that i hadn't seen her, and although i still found her nice as a person, all this confusing feeling had vanished. I just talked to her like there was nothing weird between us.
Anyway, now i am 17 and i recently got over my prejudices about sexuality. I have a boyfriend, to whom i feel romantically attracted but he doesn't turn me on at all. Male genitals look unattractive to me, in general. I only watch lesbian porn and i masturbate while having fantasies about other girls. I even have sex with girls in some of my dreams. Last night i met a girl and i thought she was very cute but i was afraid to make a move because she was obviously straight. I think i like both guys and girls but i am not sure if it is "a phase" or something like that. It is a fact that both turn me on (in different ways maybe) though... :noangel:

27-07-13, 23:32
Hi hun :D

In answer to your question, I am straight. Growing up never even gave it any thought, never had any other thoughts about my sexuality.

There are many young people who can go through a confusing time with there sexuality, but over time, it sorts itself out.

SO WHAT if you like both, there are lots of people out there who are the same, as long as you don't hurt anyone else and are true to yourself, that's ok :yesyes:

We are who we are, sometimes we are born that way or sometimes its our hormones and as time goes on we change.



29-07-13, 01:13
Hello there.
I have dated men and women. I have had two children but been with more women than men. I guess that makes me bi-sexual. People often ask me and I just say 'I am ME'. I don't do labels, I don't like to label myself at all. People accept me for who I am and that's that. Being Bi-sexual doesn't make me greedy and it certainly doesn't make me a higher risk with cheating. I have never cheated on anyone and never will, I am with the person I love weather that be a man or a woman.
Growing up I wasn't interested in men or women really, but I didn't see anything wrong with that, I just thought I was being normal. I don't have a problem with my sexuality and as far as I am concerned none of it matters.