View Full Version : My HA is really just too far

27-07-13, 16:32
My parents and family want me back to how I was before my health anxiety really got sky high. My parents are deeply concerned for me and it causing friction in the family again.

My parents say I don't have anything to worry about, we got no family history of cancer in the family.

I am getting CBT help, but unsure when this will start for me properly.

I am getting really anxious about my health still and been going on far too long. I really would love to go to the doctors every day just for reassurance that I am fine (since my parents can't do it for me all the time) I am scared that I cannot stop self examination myself, I always checked my poop every time I go (not picking up out of the bowl)

My biggest fear at the moment are testicle cancer, bowel cancer (still) even though I had ultrasound of these organs around the abdominal including kidneys and bladder. one CT scan and one camera up the backside even though nothing has been found (may go for a MRI scan) and complete the hat-trick.
and because of the Coronation Street storyline Pancreatic cancer. It is circling around the fear of cancer. I do worry a lot about the other cancers a well, lung cancer, brain tumours etc.

Skin cancer because of the summer I am always forever checking my skin.

I have not managed to go 15 minutes when I been awake without checking myself when I am on my own.

I have done well not reading daily mail health articles, but have done okay on the others and have only done it a few times, I must stop trying to Google again and the biggest enemy now is cancer websites looking at each symptom, trying to match something I might have.

27-07-13, 20:01
You've done really well staying away from the DM. Now you have to quit those cancer sites. Despite the way you're kidding yourself, you're not protecting yourself from spotting the first signs of disease, just driving yourself up the anxious wall. :)

27-07-13, 22:05
I can relate to this so much. All my waking hours are spent thinking about it. I spend literally hours on the net going over and over and over stuff I wish id never read or seen. The coronation st story has done so much dsmage. I used to love watching it, it was an escape from the misery for 30 minutes. Now I can't even look at the title in the tv guide. For me I wish the ratings drop so much the program is pulled !

28-07-13, 08:16
My psych would tell you to identify your pleasures in life. At the moment you are busy worrying about what might happen in the future. Instead you need to start living in the present. Easy to say, harder to do I know. My psych helped me to get on top of my anxiety. Claire Weekes helped me get on top of my anxiety too. You are receiving counselling and that is good. It may take months before you start to feel better. Try reading one of Weekes' books. She teaches acceptance of your symptoms and floating past your negative thoughts regarding them. It works but you have to persevere but trust me her methods work.

28-07-13, 08:29
Which is the best Claire weeks book to help deal with health anxiety? xxx

28-07-13, 13:10
I have two:
1. Self Help for you Nerves
2. Essential Help for your Nerves.
I think the first one is the best but both of them are great. You can't just try what she advises and then give up if it doesn't work straight away. As I said you have to persevere. Really read the book, don't just skim over it.

Like you I would have loved to go to the doctors every single day. Oh wait, at one point I did.:winks: I sometimes went twice a day!

So don't feel bad. I'm sure that most HA sufferers can identify with most of what you wrote. :)

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:34 ----------

Whoops sorry ATS I just realised that you aren't the person who started the thread. Just ignore the going to the doctors every day stuff. Unless of course it applies to you too! lol

28-07-13, 22:37
I am the same,constant body checking!i find little lumps and become focused on them. I google, see GP,don't believe GP, google some more.
I avoid the soaps now all are depressing!

30-07-13, 13:08
Sorry for bumping up the thread I started.

I went to the doctors again because I was worried about testicular cancer, I made one of my fordcye spots, because I scratch myself from doing too many testicular examinations, so that a lesson only once every month.
He did my a testicular examination just to show me what I was feeling was normal. I make that a the 11th or 12th time I have been to the doctors. on a side note about my CBT I know who I will be seeing when I start it.

31-07-13, 10:02
Does it ever offer any comfort to you looking back at the previous false alarms you've had, and comparing the previous worry with any current worries you have?