View Full Version : Pain and tenderness at front of neck...help!

27-07-13, 16:50
I have been having this pain in the front of my neck for weeks and weeks. It started not long after a bad bout of tonsilitis so originally I thought it hadnt cleared up and got more antibiotics, but they didn't help.

It literally feels sore all the way from under my jaw, down my windpipe and either side, and all around my thyroid. It seems to ache a lot, and this gets worse throughout the day...sometimes at the end of the day I feel like I don't want to keep my head up or talk as it feels so sore. There are also some specific points in my throat which feel incredibly tender,almost as if they are bruised.

It doesnt really hurt to swallow. It does sometimes hurt more if I yawn or cough. Its better if I lie down on my back. I am used to anxiety causing muscle tension at the back of my neck or shoulders, but never this.

Has anyone else had this feeling? Was it anxiety? As usual I am worried about something more serious like thyroid cancer....

27-07-13, 16:58
Similar to what I have, although yours sounds more severe in terms of pain. I have the neck/throat tightness. Shooting pains going up my thoat, jaw, face. Get's worse as the day goes on, doesn't really hurt to drink or eat. Sometimes get a feeling like a little butterfly or something is moving under my adams apple.

No idea what it is, but the doctor really wasn't interested in it in the slightest. Am going back again next week if it isn't any better. I don't believe it is all anxiety related, but then again I wouldn't.

If you have taken the antibiotics and that hasn't helped then it probably isnt bacterial. Given that you have had some recent problems there, it could be you are convincing yourself there is something more sinister going on there.

Wish I could offer advice, but nothing I have tried has worked so far. Have read quite a few people having similar problems. Good luck, hope you work it out.

27-07-13, 17:26
Are you sure the pain is around the thyroid and not the larynx? I suspect it's a result of the infection, but see your doctor to have your mind put at rest.

27-07-13, 18:20
I dont know.. Its the whole front of my throat. I have had 3 full courses of anti biotics and they havent helped. It is not sore inside my throat if that makes sense, it doesnt hurt to swallow. It feels external.

I had bloodtests last week and apparently there is something the doctor wants to talk about, they told me to make an appointment for her to call me this week. I am now obviously worrying about that but trying to tell myself they would have called me in for an urgent appointment if it was serious, not call me...

I guess I could mention then that it still hurts.

27-07-13, 18:25
You may have a swollen thyroid, but it's difficult to tell with such vague symptoms. Best to check what your doctor has to say first.