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27-07-13, 17:00
Hey there,

So, this year I have been given the assumed diagnosis of crohns disease. as a result I have had many different tests done, so wanted to come on here and let you all know- YOU WILL SURVIVE.

I am very nervy, a worrier and generally anxious about pretty much anything and everything, but I managed ok and you will too :)

My colonoscopy:


ok so the prep wasnt all that fun, but just something you have to get on with. I used Moviprep, wich tastes pretty rank.... so i added apple flavour cordial to it (you are not allowed to use blackcurrant as it can stain the colon purple!). It is pretty gentle and eases you into diarrhoea to clear it all out- dont worry- its nothing like the horrible diarrhoea you lot may be used to if you have GI problems like me! There is no stomach cramping or anything, just a lot of gurgling and then liquid that comes shooting out so fast and powerfully it feels as if you need a seatbelt to keep you on the loo :ohmy:
I found drinking a mouthful of prep, followed by a mouthful of clear water and a polo mint was very helpful and easier to deal with than just solid prepping :) My dr told me I had a lovely clean colon- yey gold star!! (I think...)


Im not going to lie, it wasnt the best experience of my life- my bare arse hanging out on a table with 12 medical sudents eagerly watching the GI insert her finger into my bottom - however I opted to do the proceedure without sedation, and I lived to tell the tale.
Again, I wont lie, it did hurt when going around corners, the dr said its a little like having contractions- to me it felt like having very bad diarrhoea- however- after 3 seconds or so these pains subsided until the next corner, and the inbetween time was fine :)
They offer gas and air, but im a bit odd and sort of dont mind pain all that much so I just refused and gritted my teeth - my reaction was to laugh nervously and chatter my teeth all the way through lol, wich made the nurses giggle too :blush:
It feels strnage, as you can literally feel the endoscope moving around inside you- I wonder if it similar to being pregnant haha.

Anyway, it was all over in 20 minutes or so, and the dr and nurses were very kind. There was no real pain or discomfort following the proceedure and I could go home after 30 mins- they took biopseys so needed to make sure I wouldnt bleed out.

My advice would be - it 20 minutes of your life- its not going to be rainbows and butterflies, but then again its not going to be the most horrible thing you'll have to deal with im sure. There are no lasting effects- other than slight watery stools for a day or so afterwards due to the prep.

Keeeeep smiling :D

27-07-13, 17:54
I have Crohn's as well so I get to have these done too!

27-07-13, 20:02
thanks for that!

30-07-13, 08:23
Thanks for your story...I'm due one on saturday (I've already wimped out once) and am trying not to have a full blown panic attack at the prospect. I'm terrified they'll puncture my bowel wall by accident or find something awful like a tumor...:weep:

30-07-13, 11:16
My partner who is a radiologist says that in the near future the procedure will be done using computer tomography which means neither pain nor embarrassement. So, if you are not in a hurry, it`s worth waiting a bit.

Thx for the story!