View Full Version : kalms

27-07-13, 18:20
sick of feeling like crap all the time and the doctors not telling me whats wrong, so started taking kalms today.Has anyone found them to be a help from relief of anxiety/stress symptoms or is it just a myth really?

27-07-13, 18:25
Are you taking any other medication ?

27-07-13, 18:36
Kalms can interact with medication, so I would advice checking with your pharmacist if you are on any.

27-07-13, 18:42
not on any other medication at the moment no

27-07-13, 18:47
They should be fine so. Take two with plenty of water. They can also be used during the day and through times of anxiety and stressful situations. Good luck and I certainly hope that they work for you :)

28-07-13, 10:01
actually feeling worse today,is it a coincedence i have started taking kalms 18 hrs ago