View Full Version : does any one this

27-07-13, 19:28
Hi there might be a silly question but does any body know how to tell the difference when we get a pain or any other symptom , feeling sick or just feeling ill if it's something serious or it s health anxiety , because I spend most my days diagnosing myself and worrying sick and I won't go to the doctor because too scared so I don't know if something would be serious or not , I'm not sure if I'm making sence but hopefully someone will know what I mean x

27-07-13, 20:42
This is the ultimate challenge that HA sufferers face. Most of the time, many of our symptoms can be attributed to anxiety, but it is the uncertainty that drives us over the edge. Someone who didn't have HA issues would get a stomach ache, let it pass, and then be fine. Someone with HA might get a stomach ache, think it is pancreatic cancer, and continually to feel ill long after any minor bug or virus that caused the stomach ache has passed. My HA was triggered by a headache-- something everyone else would know was normal. Hope this helped.
Take care,

27-07-13, 21:48
This is true mine was triggered by a stay in hospital a year and a half ago not been well or right since every day I feel unwell or have a different symptom but even when I'm told my blood test or what ever is ok I always think what if they have made a mistake I find it hard to trust any doctor or hospital now I was fine before I went in hospital don't feel the same person . Best wishes xxx

27-07-13, 21:56
I feel EXACTLY the same. I can never go to a Dr, I even drive to work 2 miles out my way to avoid driving past a hospital. I know exactly how you feel, you're not alone. My feelings come from my past concerning Drs and my parents. I wish I could turn the clock back to a time when everything was good for me or wave a magic wand for all of us. X

27-07-13, 22:45
Thanks for your post dex I know how you feel as well even hospital programs affect me and when I have had a letter for a hospital appointment it would take me about an hour to open it as soon as I see nhs on it I panick x

Daisy Sue
27-07-13, 23:02
Hi Jackie - it's a viscious circle sometimes... I can feel fine, get some real symptom or other, and if I don't know why, like unexplained chest pain, or stomach ache, my mind jumps to worse case scenario and then the anxiety symptoms land like a ton of bricks, by which time I can't tell which is which.

Totally sympathise with you.. but on the positive side, if you know you're an anxiety sufferer, then all the 'weird' feelings are most probably that, than anything else, and they'll pass.

28-07-13, 01:33
My HA started in 2004 after having a blood clot in my leg. I will never fly further than Spain now and when ever I get pain in that area I go into anxious mode. Sometimes I even run to A&E for a blood test that can tell if you have a clot or not.
Slowly over the years I have started to come to terms with the fact that I will get pain there from time to time, I am learning that I have to be vigilant but not to panic...easier said than done I know.
I am also often scared that I am going to have a heart attack, because my mum had two at a relatively young age. Mum told me that even though heart attacks mimic a panic attack you would surely know the difference.

28-07-13, 02:41
I have health anxiety and panic disorder. I have had health anxiety and panic disorder for a while now due to having a lot of different health problems in the past.
I had my appendix out when I was about 25 years old, that's when it started, the operation gave me adhesions (scar tissue on my bowel) which ended up giving me over 15 bowel obstructions that needed hospitalization for a week each time over about an 8 year period and they are PAINFUL!! and can be fatal if left untreated.

Also in this 8 year period they found gallstones, so I had my gallbladder removed.
Then I was told I have a liver condition (not life threatening) its called gilberts syndrome. I go jaundiced as my liver produces too much bilirubin.
I got so bad with the bowel obstructions I had to have another operation to separate them risking making it worse (separating them can create more)
I also have 5 fibroid breast lumps that have been tested and are all fine, just lumps. (scared the pants off me though)
I have had an operation to remove a polyp from my bowel and have also had carpel tunnel surgery on my wrist...........

Im now 37 years old and actually feel quite healthy but when I get a panic attack I worry over the symptoms in case its some weird illness the doc has missed.
I try not to go diagnosing myself now via google as it creates more fear
So now as soon as I get a little twinge im at the docs, I think he is getting sick of seeing me.

28-07-13, 14:39
Thanks daisy yes it is a vicious circle I often think every one else looks normal and well must be lovely to be like that . Wish you well xxx

---------- Post added at 13:33 ---------- Previous post was at 13:28 ----------

Shotokansho my biggest fear is heart attack as well as my mum and a few others in my family have had one but as you say I'm sure we would know the difference but at the time of these symptoms we get nothing helps US thinking the worst all the time . Wish you well xxx

---------- Post added at 13:39 ---------- Previous post was at 13:33 ----------

Rufess sorry to hear what you have gone through no wonder you have health anxiety I had 1 stay in hospital I had an abscess in my bowel caused by diverticulitis that was enough for me that was last April although I've been told it's all ok now I still have a sore pain there nearly all the time all I do is dread it ever happening again so what the pain is I don't know just always seem to have a stomach ache now .wish you well xxx