View Full Version : wow i'm not alone

27-07-13, 20:44
Hello everyone,
well this is my third try on coming to this forum as ive never used anything like this before. I think everyone here totally understands how horrific having an health anxiety can actually be. I have suffered on and off for the past 13 years since the birth of my son. Tried cbt different medications and am now back on Citilopram which saved me 13 years ago. Ive had everything from breast cancer to now having vulvar cancer (having a lasting itch for the past 5 months) I feel so sorry for my gp she see's me evry week practically at the moment, I currently have a CPN visit to keep me out of hospital but her visits have become less than frequent due to her expanding caseload, not her fault, think it's the sign of the times. I feel constant panic can't sleep eat or function most of the time, and to top it all were supposed to be going on a family holiday in a weeks time and im filled with dread. Im going with all my family 11 of us in total, we are all close so they know about my anxiety state but I just don't want to spoil things for them all. My husband is a massive support but even he's frustrated and fed up now, he really needs this break but I feel horrendous. I feel safe at home I just don't know what to do anymore. Thanks for listening.:weep:

27-07-13, 21:14
Hi Curly :D:hugs:

Just wanted to say :welcome: to the site :D

There are lots of people hear who understand what you are going through.

Take care


28-07-13, 14:57
Hi Jill,
thanx for the warm welcome it's extremely tough at the moment, hope you're doing ok.:hugs:


28-07-13, 15:43
Hi I suffer from severe HA and can totally relate to your post. :welcome: to the site Curly , sure you will find it as supportive as I do. xxx

28-07-13, 15:44
Hi! And :welcome:

28-07-13, 17:23
:welcome:I hope NMP is as helpful to you as it is for me


28-07-13, 19:45
Thank you everyone, I do hope so, it's driving me insane at times and severely affecting my relationship with my husband after 24 years being married. He's not made of stone and it's impacting on him really bad :shrug:

28-07-13, 20:24
Hi and welcome,

I am quite new to the site too but have found it a great comfort and form of support the last few weeks. I hope you do too.

I haven't suffered with the anxiety as long as you, I developed it after my 4th baby was born at the beginning of may but know how you feel. Mine is also health anxiety and I have convinced myself I have every terminal illness going.
Like you I am also going on holiday soon, this coming saturday actually and am forcing myself to get excited about it which is unlike me but like you say it's the safety of your own home. It's good that you have support in your family, hopefully on holiday they'll be able to keep you occupied, I find it helps to keep busy.

If you every need to chat you can private message me if you like :-)


29-07-13, 07:34
Hi Maxine,
thanx for your post how do I personal message you ??