View Full Version : Hello..I need some advice please

27-07-13, 22:07
Hey Everyone,I'm Lily and i just joined this site as i am desperate for advice, I have a major depressive disorder,general anxiety disorder and OCD and have recentley been prescribed mirtazapine 15mg which I am due to start tonight which the thought of is stressing me out so bad! part of my anxiety is taking medication..I won't even take paracetamol! So you can imagine i'm in a right mess,I'm just wondering if anyone here is on or has been on the same thing? and If you could tell me how they made you feel the first time you took them? i'm so scared of feeling out of control.

Thank you so much for reading and thank you in advance for any replies.

27-07-13, 22:12
Hi I have been on Mirtazapine since January I started on 15mgs and am now on 45mgs at night they only side effect I had was I was a bit drowsy to start but this soon wore of, I have had no other side effects at all or weight gain. Good luck :hugs:

27-07-13, 22:16
Thanks so much for your reply,i think as long as i don't feel like the life is being drained out of me i shouldn't freak out too much,Have you found them any help? i've come off sertraline after being on max dose and they didn't touch the sides,I know meds aren't a quick fix but i'm just after a bit of a break xx

27-07-13, 22:27
They have been some help with both depression and anxiety they have not taken it away completely, my anxiety and panic were out of control and they have certainly subsided a great deal x

27-07-13, 22:37
Good stuff,I'll give it a go by all means,just trying to chill myself out before bed time haha,Really appreciate you replying and sharing your experience of this medication with me xx Lil