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15-10-06, 22:39
hi again.

im so so low and have just been in tears (embaressed to admit).

my hair is thinning and i want to know if the stress from the anxiety i have had for 4 years now is a reason for the hair loss? and if it is, does the hair grow back again?

my confidence is low, my drive has gone, and i dont know how to face things anymore!

sorry for my constent answer seeking.

15-10-06, 22:47
I'm sorry you're having such a hard time.
I lose hair too when I am stressed. I noticed once and asked my dr. and my hairdresser about it. They both told me that when we are stressed, we tense up, even in our scalp. This means less bloodflow to the hair, so it falls out.
And yes, it does grow back once you get more relaxed.
I suffer from this every time I get really stressed, but I have no bald patches yet.:D
The best thing to do to prevent your hairloss (except of course to relax) is to get a good scalp massage to get the blood flowing.
Hope this helps.

"You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

15-10-06, 22:47

15-10-06, 23:00
Hi Martin

My son who is 16 has already lost about a third of his hair. This is probably due to hereditary factors, added to which he is probably producing too much testosterone (the male hormone).

I have taken him to GP and he has now been referred to a Dermatologist who specialises in trichology. Have had to go as private patient for this consultation but we go to see her next week. I will let you know what she says. I have been reading about a prescription hormone called anti-androgen, which reduces the amount of testosterone and is currently being heralded as being effective to halt hair loss. I'm hoping she will prescribe my son this as he is traumatised by the hair loss.

The only sure cure for premature balding is castration by the way!!!

Don't let it get you down. Many young men completely shave their heads nowadays and look good.

Don't despair, Kay

15-10-06, 23:33
Hi there,I have been losing my hair for about a year,I was told it was through my hormones being unbalanced.It doesnt come out in big clumps,just really noticable when I wash my hair.Stress can cause hair loss to as Hexia said.See your gp even just to put your mind at ease.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

17-10-06, 13:54

im have times like this aswell, when i had my son my hair actually started to recede, and my hair was so whispy where it was breaking, its so scary, i still get times like it now, just at the moment my hair is falling out everywhere but then in a few weeks it will stop, can u see if it actually coming out at the root or just breakage near the scalp, if it is u could try a good conditioner, i know u probably have already but thought i would just say. it will stop all of a sudden. also if its long u could tie it back then when it is falling out u dont see it so much and then u dont get in a panic quite so often.
also i know a great website i looked on when i first noticed my hair falling out, its got message boards and u can see how many people suffer with this, private message me if u want to know it, i would put it on here but not sure if its allowed. take care
leanne x
take care
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

17-10-06, 21:49
i no how you feel on this one ive been loosing my hair for as long as i can remember its every were all around the house my hair has really gone thin over the years i told my doctor about it and she said it was my hormones as i am going thru the change she suggested i should not wash my hair as often and also try not to tie it back it is very upsetting i am really paronoid about my hair at the moment especially when your finding it everywere my friend said she was sick of finding it when i shared a hotel room with her she couldnt belive how much i was loosing and she sent me on a para.

t motown