View Full Version : Shoulder pain?

28-07-13, 05:19
Okay, I haven't had really bad health anxiety in a few months now. If anybody has read my last post my concerns were about my mental health such ad going crazy or developing some sort of insane mental illness from my anxiety and panic. Lately however, I've been having these constant shoulder pains. It feels like someone is squeezing by shoulders or something. I've been doing a lot of work to accept my anxiety. Acceptance and Mindfulness is something that I just recently got into. I just started going to therapy and I'm listening to an audiobook on it. I need some reassurance on my shoulder pains, they seem constant all day and not to freak out that it's a sign of a heart attack or a disease of some sorts.

28-07-13, 11:35
Unlikely. Many of us have very tight shoulders, the giveaway being if you roll them round forwrds and backwards, they will probably crunch. In my experience, shoulder tension leads to MORE shoulder tension, and then to headaches and the whole "What's wrong with my brain?" sccenario.

Do some gentle exercises. I frequently drop my shoulders during the day and keep them down for several seconds. You will find the Acceptance and Mindfulness extremely helpful, I am sure - don't worry, you are not going mad! x

28-07-13, 20:08
Yeah, It's just really hard to accept right now.. I'm running on about 4 hours of sleep and my stomach is in knots, my shoulders ache, plus my muscles are spasming. It makes me think of horrors like some type of muscular disorder or ms or something intense. I just want to stop fighting it! It's so hard not to though especially when it's the anxiety and panic occupied with pain.