View Full Version : omg! is it a brain tumor? help!

28-07-13, 06:45
does any one get sharp pains in there head almost on a daily basis?
do you get sharp pains in the back right side of your head with muscle twitching in the face with hearing loss or ringing in your ears?

28-07-13, 09:19
hello, i would try not to panic, how long have the head pains been there? with the sharp pain and twitching sounds muscle related to me, i am not a dr though but i do have a BT my headaches where so bad caused me to vomit and i lost sense of balance kept stumbling around, BT are rare so its not likely you would have one i hope i have helped here blessings

28-07-13, 15:13
god bless you, I hope you feel better. Thanks for taking time out and trying to help with my issue. I have had headaches for about four months now. How ever they seemed to go away. I haven't had headache in about a week or so. Now and then I get this sharp shooting pain in the back of my head on the right side. It's very short but it's not to the point where i have to stop doing anything and say ouch. It only last about five sec. my scalp has also been tender or sore to the touch does this sound like a tumor?
I'm trying to stay away from Dr. Google

28-07-13, 15:43
It doesn't sound typical of brain tumours, no.

28-07-13, 15:50
I use to always get this! Top of my scalp, towards the back and also on the right side.
It's like a hot pin and would make me cringe.
This was about 4 years ago and I haven't had it for awhile. A few months a go I did but I didn't worry because I'd had it before and I'm fine.
Back then I was told I may have a follicle issue because I do get little sores on my scalp when I'm stressed out. So it was put down to nerve pain

28-07-13, 16:41
great thanks everyone
Marni this is the exact pain i have so i think i'm ok
bless everyone I will pray and hope everyone stays safe
god bless

28-07-13, 22:39
I'm dealing with the same kind of pain for an year. Mine lasts only a few seconds, it is not unbearable and it hurts like stabbing or something like that... Doctors couldn't find anything, so yeah, I guess it's just anxiety as they say.