View Full Version : Howdy

28-07-13, 08:51
Morning folks. So, what brings me here this time...head pressure. Previously heart palpitations & ectopic beats. I've made my peace with these 'benign' beats although they're still a pain in the backside :/

Since last Monday, I've felt this intense pressure across the top of my head. Feels like a migraine without the blinding pain. I get monthly cycle related migraines which leave me bed ridden. I've made a few trips to my GP including a few phone calls & visits to out of hours to be told its tension headache or migraine. Fair enough but why am I only feeling it periodically & why is it still here 6 days later?! I'm sure I make it worse by focussing on it panicking but the symptom is very real. Makes me feel dizzy too. I've had health anxiety since the age of 19 when 'ectopic' heartbeats first made an appearance. I've had a monitor strapped to me which didn't show anything untoward.
I've had tinnitus in both ears since roughly the same age and I've had visual floaters since the age if 15, getting progressively worse and more noticeable but optician and eye clinic at hospital don't see anything sinister. With all these 'real' symptoms, I convince myself I have a serious health condition but the real worry is dying suddenly. This is something I'm currently thrashing out with CAT therapy but I'm only a few sessions in and as yet, no major changes.
I'm a mother to a beautiful toddler who's almost 3, she's a treasure. Bright, full of life but I feel I'm missing out on quality time as I work full time and when I am home, I am stressing about a new 'ailment' and she gets only half of my time. I can't relax anymore. Even when I'm out with my family doing something fun, all these health thoughts over take any sense of enjoyment I may have. Wish there was a magical cure...honestly feels like I'll be this way forever and it terrifies me to think I will have no enjoyment out of life. What is more worrying is the fact I seem to project these anxieties onto my other half and daughter and I don't want my little girl growing up afraid.
I'm looking for buddies, people with similar experiences who can chat to me occasionally, reassure me I'm not alone. Thanks for reading :)

28-07-13, 11:27
Hi there,

You are definitely not alone. Have a great day and keep posting!:)

28-07-13, 12:05
Hi, no you're not. My children are adults intheir twenties now, but it seems looking at a lot of the posts that many parents with young children are terrified of dying - which is fairly rational when you think about it.

I am sure the headache is nothing sinister if you have had lots of things checked. It is amazing how they can sit there and frighten us. Have you tried inhaling steam? I had an awful headache yesterday which went when I smeared a little Vicks round my nose... seems to give the brain something else to think about!

lots of love, you are NOT alone. xx

28-07-13, 15:16
Hi there Howdy,
you're so not alone, I feel exactly the same identical in fact. I too have a loving family everything you could want, but like you they only probably get 25% of my concentration, the other 75% is fixed on obsessional thoughts of cancer i'm so sick of feeling like my stomach is in knots, feeling constant panic. Most days I just wish I wouldn't wake up to feel this terror again. sending you big:hugs:

Morning folks. So, what brings me here this time...head pressure. Previously heart palpitations & ectopic beats. I've made my peace with these 'benign' beats although they're still a pain in the backside :/

Since last Monday, I've felt this intense pressure across the top of my head. Feels like a migraine without the blinding pain. I get monthly cycle related migraines which leave me bed ridden. I've made a few trips to my GP including a few phone calls & visits to out of hours to be told its tension headache or migraine. Fair enough but why am I only feeling it periodically & why is it still here 6 days later?! I'm sure I make it worse by focussing on it panicking but the symptom is very real. Makes me feel dizzy too. I've had health anxiety since the age of 19 when 'ectopic' heartbeats first made an appearance. I've had a monitor strapped to me which didn't show anything untoward.
I've had tinnitus in both ears since roughly the same age and I've had visual floaters since the age if 15, getting progressively worse and more noticeable but optician and eye clinic at hospital don't see anything sinister. With all these 'real' symptoms, I convince myself I have a serious health condition but the real worry is dying suddenly. This is something I'm currently thrashing out with CAT therapy but I'm only a few sessions in and as yet, no major changes.
I'm a mother to a beautiful toddler who's almost 3, she's a treasure. Bright, full of life but I feel I'm missing out on quality time as I work full time and when I am home, I am stressing about a new 'ailment' and she gets only half of my time. I can't relax anymore. Even when I'm out with my family doing something fun, all these health thoughts over take any sense of enjoyment I may have. Wish there was a magical cure...honestly feels like I'll be this way forever and it terrifies me to think I will have no enjoyment out of life. What is more worrying is the fact I seem to project these anxieties onto my other half and daughter and I don't want my little girl growing up afraid.
I'm looking for buddies, people with similar experiences who can chat to me occasionally, reassure me I'm not alone. Thanks for reading :)[/QUOTE]

29-07-13, 00:59
Your definitely not alone, your symptoms are so like mine, ectopic beats have struck me down again over the last few weeks and am just hoping for them to go away but doesn't stop the worry

I also have tinnitus that I manage very badly was given hearing aids to wear but am not very comfortable with them and don't use them as I should

Constant feeling like crap to be fair but keep going

Stay strong and best wishes