View Full Version : Water drops, visual symptoms drinking alcohol

28-07-13, 08:52
Hi everyone,

I know alcohol definately makes anxiety worse however I am finding it also makes the physical symptoms a lot worse without me actually feeling emotionally worse. For example I often feel phantom water drops and skin prickles and this gets a lot worse after drinwhen I actually feel less anxious also the next day my eyes seem to kswim a lot more.does anyone else get this?

01-08-13, 03:12
I get those water drops, it's weird.
Be careful not to self medicate with alcohol, alcohol dehydrates you and cause your blood sugar to drop causing to feel hungry but also more anxious.
Over time drinking too much will stop your body absorbing the b vitamins (which worsens the anxiety), in chronic alcoholics it can eventually cause damage to their brain.

01-08-13, 18:30
Alcohol is a pretty good alleviator of anxiety, working in a similar fashion to benzodiazepines. The down side of course is alcohol metabolism in the liver creates a compopund known as acetaldehyde, which causes hangovers. The best thing is not to overdo it, and drink water after alcohol. Next day be sure to eat and drink well!

01-08-13, 21:53
Thank you for replying. I keep a track of my drinking and try to stay within guidelines but I agree it is easy to self medicate and doesn't solve any problems in the long run xx

05-08-13, 08:21
It definitely makes my physical symptoms worse! I try to limit myself to no more than 2 drinks because I regret it afterwards, even though it does take away my anxiety for a few hours.

05-08-13, 15:12
Same here up until I started going through this anxious cycle a few months ago I was getting through 40 odd units a week and could quite happily deal with a hangover and start drinking again the next day. Now if I drink 2 days in a row my anxiety goes mad. I just stick to Saturdays now and take Timed release Vitamin-C 500 mg tablets and Vitamin-B complex timed release

23-08-13, 14:54
I get random water drop sensations and random burning sensations all over. I don't drink alcohol for many years. Look for my post that explains the three times in my life so far when I have had abnormal nerve signals.

I have had it three times and it went away eventually each time. However I now have a theory that it is metabolic or nutrition related, at least I hope so.

The first time I got weird water sensations it was not water drops all over, it was water pouring down my leg when I sat. During this time I was drinking alcohol very heavily almost daily for a few months I think. I was depressed and just graduated so I had no job yet. The sensations would not come during drinking the alcohol. I also gained a lot of weight suddenly.

The second time was five years later and I started to get water sensations all over in patches. It could be random or provoked by pressure. I also started to get burning sensations as well. At one point I felt like I was walking on hot coals for a few weeks, but it went away. Normally I would feel like there was water in my shoes when I walk.

I later remembered I was on a low carb diet at the time and the next time I had it I was also on a low carb diet, but an extreme version called a ketogenic diet. Very restricted diet and unusual.

Last time it happened they lasted for maybe 6-12 months? I didn't write down when it went away.

I'm taking a b-complex and a multivitamin now. I might also get my T3 and rT3 levels checked. They checked my T4 and it was normal, as well as checked TSH too I think.

I did searches and found people on health boards as well as this anxiety board who have these water sensations.

I have had a constant visual symptom when focusing on things close up and panning since maybe 2005/2006. No neurologist or doctor knows what it is, but I suspect it is related to my vestibular system or the myofascial trigger points I also have in my neck / jaw area. I might even have them in my eye muscles. It only does it for me when I'm 6 inches away from my eyes and pan/move my eyes like to read something or scroll across an object. My whole field of vision jiggles.