View Full Version : Going to Dr sinus bleeding

28-07-13, 09:36

I know I've posted about this before and got some great replies but I am getting worried.

I have hayfever but for a couple of months now (not everytime) but more often than not if I put a tissue up my nose it will have tiny amounts of blood on it, like I've knocked a spot or something.

My sinuses are dry and when I wake in the morning everything feels dry, mouth, throat, nose, which is one of the reasons I'm going.

The weird thing is my nose doesn't feel blocked or congested, it feels like my nose needs to be really lubricated inside and at the top.

I guess my question is can this bleeding all be due to the dryness/allergies. I'm worried about a sinus tumour. I very rarely have any blood if I sneeze, if any mucus comes out then it's clear and if I have post nasal drip and spit it's clear.

The bleeding occurs on both sides and sometimes one side stops for a while then starts again but I'm just worrying that this is more sinsiter than allergies/dryness :weep:

28-07-13, 13:21
Bleeding indicates damage to tiny blood vessels in the nose and sinus. Even blowing your nose hard can lead to this. Your symptoms certainly sound like they could be related to rhinitis or sinusitis. This does not always lead to congestion, it it simply tissue inflammation. You could try a nasal spray which has an anti-inflammatory in to see if it helps. It may also be due to snoring, or mouth breathing in the night, which causes dry feeling upper airways.

28-07-13, 13:40
Thanks for the reply Joel

I do tend to use Beconase for my Hayfever but I've stopped as I felt as if that was actually causing more dryness and may have actually been aggravating the situation.

Just hoping the doctor can recommend something that can put the moisture back into my nose.

28-07-13, 14:20
That might also be a cause, as long term use of nasal sprays can affect the epithelium and cause some short side effects such as dryness.

28-07-13, 15:28
Have a read of this:


I saw an ENT specialist on 4th July and he said he could only see a small amount of redness in the entrance to both nostrils but didn't think it was anything to worry about and did not need any further treatment or investigations so I was discharged.

If you are worried then maybe you could get a referral to ENT as well

28-07-13, 15:49
I forgot to add one other thing.

He did blood tests for anti-coagulation as well because I bruise easily as well.

28-07-13, 15:52
I stopped using Beconase because it began to give me nose bleeds.

28-07-13, 19:55
Thanks for the replies everyone, Nicola that's interesting sounds like you had very similar to what I'm experiencing.

It does seem to be quite common but like you mine has gone on for a couple of months so figured I need to get it checked out.

Will let you all know what the doctor says!

28-07-13, 20:03
My partner uses beconase. She had problems with "bleeding spots" in her nose, not sure if the beconase caused it. she had some cream to heal the bleeding spots a few months ago, it's been better since then.