View Full Version : why is this happening to me, i am so tired of it

28-07-13, 09:58
Why is everyone around me ok and able to live normally and there is always something wrong with me? I feel so faint and floaty and am so scared of the heat, feel so warm all over. I am so scared i will collapse. I didnt sleep well either cause we are visiting friends and the bed was so different to hours, bouncy mattress made me feel wobbly and we use memory one. My legs feel achey and heavy. I am so scared.

---------- Post added at 09:58 ---------- Previous post was at 09:53 ----------

I am so tired of always being scared something is going to happen to me but also cant stand constand symptoms especially faintness, why do i feel like this and drs are not bothered?

28-07-13, 10:11
I feel the same I just want to be able to get on with life and not worry about every pain, sensation or feeling that I have.
Come back normality.
You are not alone Mila xxx

28-07-13, 10:18
Me too Mila everyday I crave for a normal anxiety/panic free life, on the days I can venture out I look at the people around me in envy as they go about their everyday life's without a second thought. We have to believe that we will one day be in that position happy and care free. Take care xx:)

29-07-13, 09:30
Thank you both.
I was relatively for quite a while after being like this for a very long time. But since it's been a while it is so much more difficult. And when I feel so horrible, especially faint, it's so hard to think yeah this is anxiety. I used to pray for just a day of normality where i can feel free to do things i want without fear, i dont want to stay in this place again, it is so much harder to cope... why wont the faintness go away...

29-07-13, 09:37
hi i think the faintness is related to panic and where you hyperventilate somewhat the lack of oxygen means the blood is not reaching extremeties so you feel numbing and faint, everyone answering this thread are you not on meds or CBT as there is no need to struggle along go and speak to the dr and see what they can do to help you, dont look at others and long for what they have they maybe more unhappy than you, so speak to your dr and try and get some guidance blessings

29-07-13, 11:51
Hi Millie
Aggie is right. You don't know what's going on on other people's head. I know what you mean though. It's easy to feel like you're the only one when things are bad. I wish I could help with the dizziness, I know how distressing it is. Distraction and relaxation are the best I can think of but easier said than done when you are feeling so anxious.

29-07-13, 11:55
Hi, I feel exactly the same, especially the faintness, its something that really scares me! I will be walking around Asda and feel like shouting help help and lying down! I mean I watch TV and get jealous of people on the adverts that they feel fine! However my therapist told me that we are normal and we probably don't look like we have these things going on.. All these people we look at who we think are 'normal' may well not be.

Your not alone, I feel very similar so please don't worry :)

29-07-13, 20:50
since i started having anxiety problems i have found out lots of people i know are the same..people who you wouldn't even think..made me kinda feel better ..but i wish i could get carefree me back..xx

30-07-13, 11:44
I am at work and just want to run out and scream, what is happening to me, i feel all over the place, totally spaced out and feeling like i am falling over. Every single day! I cant function like this and cant help thinking every time that that's it like the worst will happen. My throat lump is back too..

30-07-13, 20:05
Is there anyone at work you can talk to when you feel like this?