View Full Version : Disappeared but came back with a vengance!

16-10-06, 04:31
I have been hearing my pulse in my ear for over two months.I went to the doctor that said it had to do with my ears.She set me up with an ent in about two weeks...She said I had partial blockage in one ear and full in the other ..She cleaned on ear out..and stopped.She was going to recommend a antihistiamean for me but because of tachocardia I couldn't use it..So instead she set me up for an ent.I have been having the sound in my ear for a long time..I was afraid of artery blockage and maybe even anyurism ..but she said it was due to ears..So I believe her but it makes me really anxious.I have been living with it off and on and one day I woke and it wasn't there.I didn't want to get to excited because I was afraid if I said it went away ..That it would come back so I took a wait and see attitude..Well not only did it come back it came back so strong it sounds like I am laying my ear on someone's chest and can hear a full whoom boom...just like wearing a steoscope..I don't get it.. if its just ears could it get worse or should it be the same or what? Could it be an anyurism getting worse.. or am I just in the same situtation and its just more obvious?? If you know anything about any of this please let me know..? I am so worried and I know most of you probably think its because I am upset and it causes my blood pressure to rise ,like working out..but really my heart rate and blood pressure are normal and I am calm...so what is going on? PLease advise..?

16-10-06, 04:48
Don't worry, this is DEFINATLY to do with your ears. Go and see you ENT and get it sorted out. My ears do the same thing when they are blocked.

22-10-06, 08:45
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Don't worry, this is DEFINATLY to do with your ears. Go and see you ENT and get it sorted out. My ears do the same thing when they are blocked.

<div align="right">Originally posted by Aussie - 16 October 2006 : 04:48:15</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Thanks,and I hope you are right.Its becoming unbearable.I thought if it was a blockage it would go away at times,but it gets so loud sometimes its like hearing my heartbeat with a steoscope.I can hear it very exceptional murmur and all.I am waiting to see the ent,but It worries me so much im exhaused.Can a blockage last for months?