View Full Version : Please reassure me that things will get better

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 15:54
Hello all,

Am going through such a hard time at the moment, which of course in turn is making my HA even worse, I just feel like I'm gonna explode:

My younger sister is going though depression and is self harming
My parents are so upset so having to support them everyday I can
I have such a busy job (and come Wednesday my HA is so bad I tend to be off the Thursday and Friday) which in turn makes me more stressed out - just so tired by then)
I am in quite a bit of debt
My partner is not supportive of how I feel
I am feeling ill at the moment:

Cough, stuff neck and bak of head (to the point I feel dizzy on moving my head) and feel like i am either gonna sway to the right or left
Shoulders and neck feel stiff
Have spontaneous hot flushes on my hairline and neck and between by boobs
Feeling so tired and even a walk to the shop petrifies me as I feel like I will faint
Loss of appetite
Feel hyper sensitive to anything (voices, door closing, music, etc)
My eyes feel so heavy
Twinges on one side of my head which panic me when I get them (as if a worm had just darted in my temple) which can also effect my eye and cheek

I wish I could just feel my normal self again......i would be so happy.....


---------- Post added at 15:54 ---------- Previous post was at 14:42 ----------

Just running a bath and still feel dizzy scared to get in it :-(

28-07-13, 15:55
Hi, it WILL get better of course, but one phrase you have written leaps out at me.

"My parents are so upset so having to support them..."

And yet you are actually saying that you are in need of support. They have each other but you are not currently getting support from anybody.

It might be worth thinking about why it is topsy-turvy and you feel responsible for them. I know my daughters do this sometimes but I always remind them that though it is lovely that they care, my worries are not theirs to take on.

You sound as though you need someone to talk to yourself. Is there anybody around? xx

28-07-13, 16:00
I agree. Viruses are typically self-limiting, but you have far more long standing problems and you needn't add to the stress by taking on other's problems. It's always ok to take some time out from things :)

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 16:04
Hello Spranza,

Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.

I should have said more 'my mother' as they are separated so I feel I need to be there more for my mum and sister (who I'm very close with).

Yes my partner but I don't want to burden anyone with my worries and health anxiety!


---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

I have now pushed myself to get in the bath (even though due to my HA at the moment I feel so light headed) can't even lay back and relax!!!!!

---------- Post added at 16:04 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

Does this sound like a virus though or something more serious;; I feel so dizzy like I am going to faint :-(

28-07-13, 16:06
You'll feel better in a few days I'm sure :)

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 16:07
I hope so!!! Every morning I feel worse :-/ xx