View Full Version : breast cancer

28-07-13, 17:09

5 yrs ago my mum had breast cancer they picked it up through a mamagram. She fine now. Did not have to have chemo only radiothearpy.

I worry that i could also get this. I had a lump removed last year it was a papaloma begnin.

I am scared that i could have the gene for breast cancer although when i asked about that the consultant said that because my mum was in her 60's when she got it it does not put me at any greater risk. My mum was adopted so i dont know if it is in her family.

I no there is a test you can have done but im to frightened to have it in case they tell me i have the gene then what do i do have my breasts and overies removed, im really not that brave.

anyone got any comments on this.


28-07-13, 17:28
If you don't want the test, then your only option is to stop worrying and go about your day to day life, but obviously keep a check on your breasts monthly ..
Like you said your mum was in her 60's, so your not at great risk right now...
But wouldn't it be better to know if you have the gene? I know its scary, but long term, are you sure you can live worry free not knowing? If you knew for sure, you at least can make informed decision..

28-07-13, 19:36
i agree with stormsky i think its more empowering to know and then make decisions in relation with this, have the test and find out to forewarned is better than you can have something done to prevent getting the disease blessings

28-07-13, 21:08
My mum also had BC in her 60's, 5 years ago - shes fine too. Her consultant told her it wasnt the hereditary type due to her age and no other history in the family. The genetic test is not offered routinely on NHS, you have to have more than one family member with BC or ovarian cancer and they have to be much younger. I have been to my GPs loads and breast clinic twice as I am completley paranoid that I will get it too. I have a phobia of checking myself and it has completley rouined my life. If I could have them removed tomorrow I would. Everytime I have been seen they ask about family history and at no point have I been offered the test. I would have it if they offered it me, but I am not going to ask for it otherwise. In a few years this test is going to be offered to all women regardless of family history, at that point I will have the test.