View Full Version : I've gone and done it - phoned 112 and am petrified

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 17:41
Why oh why - I had a bath and it made my symptoms worse!!!!!

And of course there scripted questions have freaked me out..... Chest pain, numb arm, I know feel like I have all.....even though that was not the reason I phoned.

I knew I shouldn't have

28-07-13, 17:42
So how are you now!!? and what did 112 say??


28-07-13, 17:47

28-07-13, 17:51
It is the same as 999 Nicola

28-07-13, 17:51
That is a new one on me lol. I thought we just had 999 and 111

28-07-13, 17:53
Are they coming out to see you?

---------- Post added at 17:53 ---------- Previous post was at 17:52 ----------

A lot of European countries use it as their 999 but it can be used in UK instead of 999

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 18:08
I have an appointment at my local hospital at 7.00pn to see a harmony DR.

Am so scared something is going to be wrong; I also have a fear and white coat syndrome so my blood pressure is always high and a they are strangers who know nothing about my HA they always seem to think that it's not normal.

Feel like such a failure.

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 18:06 ----------

Sorry Nicola it was 111! See my head is spinning

28-07-13, 18:15
I thought you may have meant 111 as 112 would have sent an ambulance.
Hopefully you will get some reassurance from the doctor at 7 to help you to calm down :hugs:

---------- Post added at 18:15 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

Why did you feel you needed to phone 111? How did the bath make your symptoms worse?

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 18:16
Thanks Annie,


Please see my earlier thread today! I just hate hospitals I'm feeling so anxious :-( just can't win


28-07-13, 18:29
Good luck with it - I am sure you will be fine

28-07-13, 18:50
It sounds to me like you are needing some time to relax and unwind. You have a lot going on at the moment and your symptoms may be those of anxiety. Try to find some 'me' time if you can.

Female healthanxiety
28-07-13, 19:10
Thanks Annie and Nicola

I am now sitting in the A&E department as this is where the doctor is based. I hate it and am by myself. My throat is dry, I feel anxious, hate these places and it's not doing any joy for my symptoms :-(

28-07-13, 19:13
You will soon be on your way home again and hopefully feeling more reassured and calmer x

28-07-13, 21:56
Hey I'm glad you decided to go and see an OOH GP. I am sure.youre fine but hopefully they can put your mind at ease and feel much better xx

Female healthanxiety
29-07-13, 13:50
Hello all,

Thank you for all your replys at my time of need.


Well got to the hospital, and was made to wait in the A&E department which made my anxiety worse, I felt so hot and being by myself the wait of 15 minutes felt like an hour.

The DR called me and as I went through the double doors I felt so scared; I wasent too happy with the DR as I did not know him not he know me. He also looked like he was in a rush, I'm sure being a Harnony DR in such a busy department, but did not make me feel at ease one bit.

He asked me about my symptoms and I explained that last Wednesday I felt very dizzy at work, to the point I felt like I was going to faint on a couple of occasions. This lead me to not go into work since. I explained on the Thursday I woke up with a chesty cough, nothing painful I just noticed it as I was at home, he asked I'd I brought up phlegm I said no I don't allow it as I hate it in my mouth as it makes me feel sick, however I could tell him that it was a wheezy cough but I tend to swallow rather then spit out.

I said my main concern was the sweats (as I generally do not sweat) and also the feeling that everything is spinning and is disabling me and scaring me.

He went on to take my temperature which was 37.2. He said slightly higher but nothing to be concerned about. He then used his stephascope (sorry I know I've spelt that wrong) and asked me to breathe while he placed this on various points on my back, he said yeap there's your problem, you have a chest infection, he also checked the back of my throat.

Then my Blood pressure/heart anxiety tapped me on the shoulder, and I said is my blood pressure maybe high, why am I feeling like I'm gonna pass out, why is my neck stiff and dizzy on movement, he said I don't need to take your BP but if you want me to I can; I said well I have HA and also white coat syndrome, while u had the machine on my arm I could feel me getting panicy as I was convinced it would be a high reading. And guess what - it was!!! I'm always right!!!

It was 140/100. He must have seen the scariness in my face and said its nothing, I can tell your anxious by your pulse reading on the machine and that is why it is elevated, plus your poorly and have a slight temperature which is all contributing.

He said when you came in your pulse was 99 and when the machine went in it jumped to 119 BPM.

I asked him again if my BP can be done and he said no it was fine....

I know I'm panicking but I hate it. I said maybe is that the reason I feel light headed, he said NO, if you have low blood pressure that would make you feel dizzy not high.

He prescribed me with 500mg amoxicillin, 3 times a day to take for a week.

I just don't believe it is a chest infection as I'm hardly coughing.

I even quizzed the pharmacy and asked him would I feel dizzy and stiff like this with a CHest infection, he said that's unusual but if you have a bad one then possibly. That of course has made me feel worse :-(

k xxxxxx

29-07-13, 15:21
Nothing else but infection would explain the symptoms. :) You'll soon be on the mend.

Female healthanxiety
30-07-13, 19:01
Thanks joe and everyone for your replies.

I attempts to go to my local shop today and I felt like I was going to faint, I feel this is not anxiety and the feeling is completely horrible.

My yea feel horrible and my neck feel so stiff and also feel like my eye are going to roll.

Have now been on the antibiotics for 2 days and today my cough has come back - is this the antis starting to work?

I think I would be fine to go back to work it only I could shake the dizziness and fainting feeling off - feels like it's not ever going to go :-(

And to Make matters worse I feel my boss is being very unsupportive bug I do not want to feel like this as much as I can help it, I drive to work so it's effecting me.

30-07-13, 19:36
Antibiotics make me feel dizzy and rubbish so could be them

Female healthanxiety
31-07-13, 11:21
In a state of panic today; actually went to my own DR today and explained the course of events since Wednesday and the whole harmony DR experience.

I told my DR I can deal with the cough, which is near enough non existent now, it's just the dizziness and the drunk feeling that has been stopping me from doing anything which includes driving, going to work, cleaning, going to the shop.

My temperature was still 37.2, he checked my ears and said dont worry you probably have something called Labrinthitis, told me to rest, carry on taking the amoxicillin and try and walk where I can..... I told him I've tried and every attempt to do anything is cut short by this feeling which does not go.....

I am also really scared as my BP TODAY was 124/90, he said it was really nothing to worry about; the lower number was a little high but that's due to my anxiety and te way I'm feeling..... I get so worried about my BP and am convinced it always going to be high.

Please, let me know what you think :-(

K xxxx

31-07-13, 11:49
Like you I also suffer white coat syndrome due to bad experiences with drs. I have felt like I'm going to faint for the last 4 months and the drs just put it down to anxiety, I've been doing CBT and its just made me feel worse as now I feel off balance, I'm convinced there's something wrong with me and no ones listening. I've been sweeting alot to and I hardly ever sweet unless its really hot. The doctor is right though you can feel dizzy with a chest infection as I did a few years ago and had to stay in bed for a week. I hope you feel better soon.

Female healthanxiety
31-07-13, 13:30
Hello Shelley

Thanks for replying.

Your symptoms sound like mine!

Have you had the usual blood tests? I have mine tomorrow?


31-07-13, 13:42
I've had my blood test taken to check my thyroid and iron levels which both came back normal and I've also been to the opticians to check my eyes and had my ears checked. I feel like the doctors aren't doing alot and just put everything down to stress and anxiety even tho I've only been anxious since feeling faint. What are they checking for with your blood test?

Female healthanxiety
31-07-13, 13:52
Hello Shelley,

Well I demanded a blood test, they are doing a FBC, thyriod and also vitamin D (to which I was deficient last year) and also frolic acid (again was deficient) I took the vitamins last year but seemed to make no difference at all. I have also asked for them to check my Vitamin B level which I have never had tested before but a friend mentioned I should so I just asked.

I noted that on my blood form he also wrote TATT, which through google search (I know I shouldn't!) means Tired All The Time.

Even though I felt reassured I feel I have lost faith in my DR and as soon as I got out the surgery in my head was thinking its just me and my thoughts again now.

I have had general HA for 10 years (I am now 30) and feel like saying to my DR sometimes it's not all HA sometimes there could be something legitimately wrong with me the time. I hate feeling like this and dont want any reason to be of work and feeling disabled.

Have you had your vitamin D checked?

K x

---------- Post added at 13:52 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ----------

I too have only been feeling anxious since having dizzy spells!!

31-07-13, 17:15
I really wished I asked for a fbc but I was so anxious I just wanted to get out if there so I always end up coming out and thinking oh I didn't ask something. Let me know how you get on and the results.

I don't have any faith in doctors I've had bad experience with them, but I know what you mean I feel reassured for a few hours then I think what if they missed something or there not taking me seriously.

I've had HA for a year and a half it first started I thought I had a brain tumour then I was okay for a few months then it was pain in my lung then a blood clot, then blood poisening oh the list goes on. Every time I go to the drs they just say its just my anxiety but I've started feeling dizzy and off balance which is causing me to be very anxious, I know there symptoms of anxiety but I feel like the drs won't to any tests they just put it down to anxiety all the time. I had to quit work due to my anxiety which makes me really upset as I loved working.

No I haven't had my vitamin d checked, I don't think anyway. xx

Female healthanxiety
06-08-13, 01:25
Hello @shelly15

How are things? Well I returned to work today and felt fuzzy again -no surprise there!!!!

Wondering how I'm going to cope tomorrow and the whole week.

I know I shouldn't advise this but for your own peace of mind why don't U have a FBC? It's just you mentioned that you wished you'd asked for one!

But them your DR would have suggested one should have thought u needed one - so that should assure you.

If and when undo have one in the future, tell him to check your vitamin D LEVELS. It's amazing how many of my friends have the deficiency like me!!!

Sounds like HA has given u a rough time, and I'm sorry you had to leave your job - I felt sad reading that and angry at the same time.

Why don't you do something voluntary to test the waters and get some confidence back....

K xxxxx