View Full Version : Hi

28-07-13, 20:27
Hi all,

Completely missed this section when I registered a couple of days ago, have posted a few comments here and there (but mainly in the games section).

I'm RubyT and live in Manchester. I live in a house full of animals which I love - pretty sure my dog is the best therapy in the world. I guess I'm creative - I write, design and photograph, love to read and watch films and immerse myself in any kind of project. I have a blog on Wordpress bt I'm not sure if we're allowed to link to that on here!

I live with the other half, who I'll call MrsT on here, never been too keen about using real names when discussing mental health as I guess in real life I'm a bit of a closed book.

I have anxiety and depression, ptsd and slight OCD. There's suggestion from my therapist that I may be bi-polar or have some other rapid mood disorder but as yet, I've not and don't plan to, see a psychiatrist for a diagnosis but maybe in the future.

I've recently had a change of medication from Citalopram to Fluoextine (which were combined for a week and a half) and I also take Propranolol. I guess you could say I'm not doing very well at the moment but hey ho, hopefully the only way is up from here!

Looking forward to chatting and maybe making some new friends here, hope everyone is well x

28-07-13, 20:30
Hi :welcome: to the forum, Ruby T.

28-07-13, 20:32

28-07-13, 20:37