View Full Version : Good while it lasted but heart again!!!

28-07-13, 20:48
Hi everyone,

Been doing so well up to a week ago! I've had skipped beats all day every day for a week I have at least 1 skipped a min, some times more there scaring the hell out of me and I can feel myself slipping back to the old me and I reali don't wanna go down there again has anyone had anything like this before?

All help will be wonderful xxx

28-07-13, 22:24
Only 1 a minute? Lucky you!

I've had episodes lasting for days where I had a skipped beat (it's actually an extra beat but feels like a skipped beat) every 3 heartbeats. That's 20 per minute, for days on end.

I've had about 4 of these episodes. The first one sent me straight to my GP who did all the usual tests. The second one was also scary. The third and fourth ones were annoying but not scary in the slightest.

They came on for no apparent reason, and went away for no apparent reason.

Hope this helps, but believe me reassurance is not what you want to look for as it keeps you in the HA cycle.


28-07-13, 23:11
Thank u mike, it's just doing my head in abit now! Had it since last Monday!! Thanks again xx

29-07-13, 09:59
I had skipped beats (they are actually extra beats) all day every day. A couple of times they went away for a week or two but they were more or less constant the rest of the time. They started in late January this year and stopped around 4 weeks ago. I received a lot of help from my psychiatrist and the ectopics reduced but never actually went away. It was only after I read Claire Weekes that the ectopics stopped completely. I have not felt any for the last 4 weeks. Weekes teaches acceptance of your symptoms and then floating past them. As soon as I started using these techniques my ectopics stopped.

I have been reading about Claire Weekes and how great her books are for years. I just wish that I had bothered to buy and read one of her books sooner than I did.