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View Full Version : Does anxiety make you indecisive

28-07-13, 20:49
I am a long term sufferer of anxiety but I have recently noticed I am becoming increasingly indecisive. Even when I make a decision I am convinced it is the wrong choice and then spent time worrying about that! It is really quite distressing, and I don't know if it is just something randomly happening or if it is down to anxiety. Thoughts would be appreciated. :)

28-07-13, 20:56
Definitely. Couldn't even decide on what to have for dinner! Too much responsibility.

28-07-13, 21:22
Yes, same for me.

28-07-13, 21:23
Thanks, yes, I think it is the responsibility thing and also decisions seem so much of a massive effort for me, almost like my brain just cannot cope and starts to go into melt down, it is horrible but a lot worse for those around me!

28-07-13, 23:03
Yep I find I get like this :( horrible isn't it! Especially when you have to make any big sort of decision.

29-07-13, 02:29
Yes, I find I'm like that to. I sit and wonder should I have did that, I end up going to others to help me with decisions, to me I feel weak when I do that.

29-07-13, 15:47
Yes, very much so! I am facing a big decision at the moment - whether to buy a place which has a lot of potentially expensive problems, or carry on renting a house which is just right except for the rent being so high. I find myself trying to predict how the next 20 years will go whichever decision I make, and the more I think about it the more undecided I am, till I end up wishing the whole thing would go away. And does it make you absent-minded as well? So far today I've sent the wrong chapter to a client and tried to clean the shower surround with mould killer. No wonder the limescale wasn't coming off.

29-07-13, 17:58
Does anxiety make me indecisive?
I'm not sure!

30-07-13, 17:41
Hi thanks all! I agree that anxiety makes us turn to other people to make our decisions for us, that is why people find it so irritating. I have to get other people's opinions on such small stupid things. I'm glad I am not alone on this one. xxxx

30-07-13, 17:43
Oh yes, I have the same problem
I question myself all the time
You aren't alone