View Full Version : Feel my head moving but is not real?

28-07-13, 21:24
Hi everybody i have a strange feeling and i want to ask if somebody had this feeling.Iam feeling my head to moving but is not real,is just a feeling and iam not really moving my head.Its not a dizziness its not a vertigo.Iam feeling like my head will fall.Can anyone help me?
Thanks very much!
Iam on seroxat 60mg from 1 month!!

28-07-13, 21:54
Hi I sometimes feel like my head is too heavy and also that every thing is moving like being on a boat especially in certain buildings :winks:

28-07-13, 22:15
thanks cristine do you have a vertigo?i dont have a vertigo its difficult to explain it.Iam feeling my head moving but its not real iam not moving:shrug:

28-07-13, 22:17
Maybe depersonalisation

28-07-13, 22:23
So i have to wait to pass?

31-07-13, 16:25
I've had the same symptom. I can be walking along and get it which then makes me feel off balance.

Find that if I try not to let it worry me too much it doesn't bother me for long.

31-07-13, 16:34
This was a regular symptom me and one I hated. It felt like my head/neck were heavy for my shoulders and it was swaying from side to side. I think I had alot of brain fog type symptoms at the time and some dizziness. The more anxious I was the worse it seemed. It did get better when I was occupied or relaxed so there's your answer! Big hugs. xx

05-08-13, 08:25
I have had this symptom in the past. It feels like my head is falling forward but my head hasn't actually moved. It went away eventually so I don't think it's anything serious, just anxiety related.

23-08-13, 15:06
Only unusual head movement symptom I've ever had was when I moved my head and it felt weird like I was under water. It was like a delayed reaction sensation like it just didn't feel right.

I had recently been through a few months of random and painful vertigo/dizziness attacks and during the end it was this swimmy sensations that hung around for a month at the end. It eventually went away too.

Now I believe that his was caused by what are called myofascial trigger points that were in my neck / head / jaw area. It could have been the SCM muscle or muscles near my ear. These trigger points can interfere with the proprioceptive feedback mechanism the brain uses for sensation motion. Also, they could directly affect the vestibular system if they are near the jaw, perhaps.

So if you have any chronic neck / jaw / head muscle pain. If you do it may be trigger points.

16-09-13, 21:27
Hi i still have the feeling like my head is falling forward but my head hasn't actually moved , like off balance :(

17-09-13, 15:19
Like all anxiety symptoms the more it is a worry to you the worst it gets. Also this symptom can affect you more when you're tired and fatigued. I also think can in weather can bring it on more.
When this symptom first started with me it used to really worry me but now I know if I don't let it bother me much the sensation goes quicker which I know is easier said than done. I used to be stood their talking to someone and it would feel like my head is rolling off! :)

You'll be fine it's just a inconvenience when it comes on and you're trying to do something but over time it'll bother you less and less to the point where you'll feel better from it quicker.

17-09-13, 18:58
Thanks very much for your advice Stu82