View Full Version : What are your worst panic attack symptoms?

28-07-13, 22:05
I'm interested to know what other people's worst symptoms are.

When I suffered panic attacks my very worst symptoms were, in order of prominence:

- Severe dizziness, room spinning, feeling like I was having an out-of-body experience almost. This would be one of my very first symptoms.
- Irregular and fast heartbeat. Skipping beats, fluttering in my chest and feeling that my heart just wasn't beating correctly.
- A horrible feeling that something very very bad was about to happen to me, ie a feeling I was going to die right there.
- Shortness of breath: this was not an 'air hunger' but almost as if I forgot how to breathe. My breathing would become uncoordinated and I would gasp for air.

28-07-13, 22:22
I remember years ago panicking so bad, I was paralysed , couldn't move, my muscles ceased

29-07-13, 02:47
So many. These are my top 3...

1. Shortness of breath.
2. Intense, rushing fear that causes my limbs to go weak.
3. Racing heart beat, that makes me feel like I'm about to have a heart attack and pass out.

Then finally, the utter embarrassment. I feel like a freak, when I know better, but I just blame myself for letting it get the best of me - again. When it happens, I always drop everything and literally run, desperate to find help - to family in my home, family who are neighbours that live in homes on our property. It's while I'm running, the panic subsides. It's really a vicious cycle.

29-07-13, 02:56
Let's see........For me its the warm tingling feeling from head to toe that makes me think "something is WRONG" Of course heart racing is a big one. depersonalization was a big one for me at one point but that doesn't happen as often as the others...forgetting that I am not the only one that suffers from this is one....I tend to play victim a lot and act like I can't do ANYTHING because I am "sick".

29-07-13, 08:08
For me it's when I get light headed so bad that my eyes almost go black:(( I've a fear of fainting so I worry I will when I go like that. Does anyone else get the light headed and black?

The shaking, tummy churning and fast heart don't scare me it's just the one above I've described.

29-07-13, 08:53
For me it's when I get light headed so bad that my eyes almost go black:(( I've a fear of fainting so I worry I will when I go like that. Does anyone else get the light headed and black?

The shaking, tummy churning and fast heart don't scare me it's just the one above I've described.

Yes I am like you pearl it's the fear of fainting that holds me in a panic attack, I also get light headed dizzy and unable to focus properly. The tummy churning does worry me too because I panic about being sick. It sucks:weep: I am going to try the app on my phone to see if that helps, I have been off sick since end of April and I want to get back to work in September xx

29-07-13, 10:48
Becoming that panicky feeling disorientated & Collapsing.

Feeling numb/weak out of control with my body. Leading to increased heart rate and breathlessness:ohmy:

Visual problems if feeling panicky, even looking at sun and shade - my heart stops - think I'm gonna get a migraine!!!

29-07-13, 11:28
I've only every had 2 panic attacks and each time the symptoms were the same. It usually starts with dizziness, ringing in my ears, increased heart rate followed by an immense feeling that I was about to pass out! I never did though. They scared the crap out of me both times but I'm glad to say panic attacks aren't a regular thing for me. xx

29-07-13, 12:06
You are very fortunate are you just lucky and not have many or do you have them and control them
Kim x

29-07-13, 12:34
Hi Kim. I guess I'm just lucky that panic attacks aren't a problem for me. On the random occassions I have had them (due to being extremely worried/nervous about something), they've put the fear of god into me and I really do sympathise with those of you who suffer with them regularly. xx

29-07-13, 12:46
Mine would have to be:

Tingling in face and arms
Chest pains
Shortness of breath
Pain down left arm
Fear of choking

29-07-13, 13:50
Nausea as I'm emetophobic
Feel like I can't swallow and my throat is closing up
Hyperventilating, fear I'll pass out as I can't breathe
Legs turn to jelly and I fear I'll collapse as my legs won't hod me
General feeling of sheer terror

29-07-13, 13:50
Horrible isn't it Kim. What app is that? x
Yes I am like you pearl it's the fear of fainting that holds me in a panic attack, I also get light headed dizzy and unable to focus properly. The tummy churning does worry me too because I panic about being sick. It sucks:weep: I am going to try the app on my phone to see if that helps, I have been off sick since end of April and I want to get back to work in September xx

30-07-13, 11:39
Sometimes I shake uncontrollably when my mind tells me it's a massive heart attack coming on.

anx mum
30-07-13, 20:58
shortness of breath by far, chest pain, tingling

30-07-13, 21:51
Does anyone know what is going on in the face and hands when they tingle?