View Full Version : Paranoia and anxiety

16-10-06, 07:39
I suffer from really bad paranoia and worry like a maniac. It's like I amways expect the worst situation to occur. I'm such a negative person right now and I really want to change. And the more I think about it, the more anxious I become.

I've heard that anxiety and paranoia go hand in hand.

Like I think a lot of people here, it sometimes feels like your the only person who feels this way, thats why I'm writing this, to find out if I am the only one or if others feel the same.

My mind races and the worry and paranoia sets in. I'm SO terrfied of losing my boyfriend and I examine everything he does, convinced that hes hiding something. I dont know if its my sixth sense or paranoia.

I have spoken to his ex gf who knows him really well and shes reassurred me asying that I have nothing to worry about. I believe her, thing is I cant stop the worry in my head. I need to let go of all these feelings and its kiling me that I can't. It's not heathly for me and not healthy for anyone else around me.

I'm a believer in think positive and postive things happen around you, think negative, and negtaive happens around you. But its not always as easy as that. When your feeling so low and anxious, the negative over controls my mind.

I'm sick (phycially) with all this worry and paranoia. It's made me feel awful as soon as I woke up this morning. I've been pacing the room, not knowing what to do, just freaking out.

I've rambled on and on, I'll stop!

I only really wanted to know if others out there had bad paranoia which they put down to anxiety, and if possible, any tips on what to do about it.

Many thanks,


16-10-06, 10:03
hi sixy im just the same as you said and i think it all goes worse when you suffer with anxiety.its very hard to think good when you are like this but the only thing i can say is what you have already said think positive and positive things will happen. i understand its very hard but thats the way forward ,today is a bad day for you and it can only get better. take care tracy

16-10-06, 13:27
Hi sorry your feeling so down at the moment,Im like you a very negative person,always thinking the worse.Its hard to think positive but we have to try.I try and keep busy to stop myself thinking all the time.
take care[8D]

Ellen XX

Ma Larkin
16-10-06, 15:10
Oh Sixy, I can really relate to this. My b-f dumped me because of this. We were together for 2 years and I've never been so happy in all my life. I wasn't like that at first with him, it was only when I started suffering from depression and anxiety that I became like this. It cost me my relationship and I was broken hearted. He was my soul mate, my whole world and he totally destroyed me, but I suppose I destroyed myself because really he did nothing wrong. You must feel awful at having to be reassured by his ex. Don't let it take over you hun. I fell out with my Stevie for a long time (or should I say he fell out with me), yet funnily enough, I've never had another relationship since him, he's had a couple since me, but we always end up together. I haven't heard from him since March and he rang me out of the blue on Friday. I ended up going to his house and we had an absolutely wonderful night. I know deep down that things will never be the same between us again, but I've kinda got used to the way things are now. Don't be like me and lose something important to you through paranoia, it's just not worth it. I know it's hard to trust people when you are a sufferer, but you really don't have a choice if you want to hang on to something good.

Keep thinking positive and good things about him.
