View Full Version : Anyone get the 'dread' feeling??

28-07-13, 23:42
Hi i was wondering if anyone can relate to that dread kind of feeling, like when you realise you have left the door unlocked or you about to do something like bunjee jump? I get this sometimes for no reason and its kind of like a gut feeling, my stomach turns and knots ect and i just feel worried and sometimes turn into panic, im getting help though so i just wanted to know if anyone gets it too.:huh:

29-07-13, 02:21
H Natalie, I have had it too. Although in addition to the sudden pit in my stomach I have a regular Sunday dread that creeps in like fog (definitely work-related). I also have sudden moments of panic that wake me up in my sleep (when I can't keep my sub-consciousness in line). I find that breathing out and pushing down helps, but I don't know why.

30-07-13, 17:46
Hi I think you have explained this feeling very well, it is almost like a brick at the bottom of your stomach, I get it randomly for all manner of things, sometimes a thought or a worry will drift into my mind and the horrible feeling will hit me. It can happen for really trivial reasons like forgetting things or even just happen for nothing. I agree with CMartin1 deep breathing can help and I find distraction techniques useful.

30-07-13, 18:19
absolutely, I live with this feeling most of the time, I wish someone could tell me how to get rid of it

30-07-13, 20:42
I have this all the time too, it was much worse every evening and mostly Sunday when I was at school, such a horrible feeling.

30-07-13, 20:46
Yes I get that feeling and it stops me in my tracks:scared15:

30-07-13, 22:40
Yep I get this all the time, I say it's like looking over the edge of a steep cliff, your heart and stomach drop and you feel all wobbly, adrenaline rushes but not in a good way :(

02-08-13, 14:28
I've had this a lot lately, I get more generalised anxiety but I occasionally seem to focus on one thing and then almost let it panic me. I will worry about meeting my commitments and the "what ifs" whereas realistically these are all manageable and I can call on friends/family to help out if need be. I think its just part of general anxiety. I have found that propranolol has helped with this a lot, I still have the motions run through my mind but the addrenaline is blocked and so it doesn't manifest into anything serious, I can rationally think about it and then come up with a solution.

02-08-13, 15:56
Yes I get that too, Horrid feeling of impending doom. Not nice at all and it just seems to sneak up when I am least expecting it :huh:

02-08-13, 16:09
I get this feeling for no reason.it can last all day solid sometimes.i hate it

02-08-13, 16:40
I've had this all day today. I got off to a bad start this morning and I've felt unnerved all day. Unfortunately I had some bad news this afternoon so my feelings were justified. Usually though it passes without any drama! xx

02-08-13, 18:33
Yes all the time

02-08-13, 19:52
Get it almost all the time, mainly when trying to sleep at the moment. IF i wake up during the night however its there, and its horrible.

05-08-13, 02:23
The dread I feel is that something really bad is going to happen. I cannot stop catastrophizing. Scarey but I must face it like the monster in the cupboard, unless you open the cupboard and show yourself that there is no monster you will live in endless fear.

My problem is, something dreadful is going to happen in our lives its the when and what that are the problem so I am not sure which cupboard door to open and when?
