View Full Version : Going to see your GP with embarrassing problems... advice?

Anxiety Jim
29-07-13, 00:50

As some of you may have read I've been worried about testicular / male breast cancer lately. Mainly because of pain in both areas.

I was wondering how people approach their GP's with these types of problems? I saw a GP for a lump on my testicle 2 or 3 years ago and as I said the word "testicle" my voice broke, it was almost like something out of a sit com. I'm hoping to get an appointment tomorrow, but am VERY nervous about actually explaining my problems.

So, does anyone have any advice? I've been considering writing it down and giving it to the GP, but that would also be rather embarrassing...

29-07-13, 01:09
Don't worry about it - it's what they're there for and they've seen it all. I know the feeling though and I hate it too. I usually start the conversation with something like "I'm really sorry, but I'm really embarrassed by the reason I'm here, so you'll have to bear with me." I also use words like "Down there" and point rather than using the technical term.

29-07-13, 06:13
Honestly, go for it! GPs will do far more embarrassing and intimate examinations than a quick fondle of your balls and poke of your chest. Smear tests for example or even prostate exams.

This is what they do for a living, you have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Just get straight to the point, when they say "how can I help you today", blurt it straight out; testicle pain. There is nothing worse for a GP than someone who goes in with an 'embarrassing' problem but is too anxious to speak about it and spends the whole time talking about something trivial only to end the consultation with "oh and while I am here Dr....".

I'm sure you will cringe afterwards but who doesn't. If you have testicle pain it needs checking out.

29-07-13, 07:56
I am okay with these terms. If you are struggling just write it down like you have stated and stick to this when asked by the doctor your symptoms.

29-07-13, 08:40
Use words that you are more comfortable with, balls, nuts. They have heard it all before and nothing you say will shock or embarrass them. They will just be more pleased that you are there than worried about your terminology.
Good luck.

Anxiety Jim
29-07-13, 08:44
Thanks for your advice everyone, I'm still very worried about it, I've managed to get an appointment for 10:30 so at least I won't be spending too long worrying about what to say.

I tend to um and ah a lot when I'm nervous, so I hope I can keep that under control.

29-07-13, 08:46
Thanks for your advice everyone, I'm still very worried about it, I've managed to get an appointment for 10:30 so at least I won't be spending too long worrying about what to say.

I tend to um and ah a lot when I'm nervous, so I hope I can keep that under control.

good luck

they will definitely make you feel at ease and hopefully say you're worrying about nothing :)

29-07-13, 08:54
Women live with this all the time, so much of what goes wrong with us is embarrassing.... my Mum was a midwife and used to drill into my sister and me: "When a doctor looks at you he isn't thinking, 'She has a big/ugly/etc...' He simply sees you as a vagina."

Harsh but pretty much true I find!

29-07-13, 09:02
Honestly don't worry as everyone else has said, they have seen it all hundreds of times before. I would definately say you feel anxious and embarrassed so they can reassure you.

Or in my case once I went to my GP about an embarrassing problem and said it was and he rubbed his hands together and said "oh good I love embarrasing problems" Good job he's been my GP for 25 years so I really don't feel embarrased in front of him!

Have to say though it completely took my mind off of the matter at hand and did make me giggle a bit!

29-07-13, 09:10
Whatever you go in there with you can be sure they have seen things 100 times more embarrassing, weird or disgusting ! My ex GF has been an A&E nurse for 15 years, and you wouldn't believe some of the stuff people come in with !!!

The GP will probably be quite relieved to have someone come in with something as innocent as testicles :)

29-07-13, 12:04
Needless to say, I don't have a great deal of shyness dealing with the medical profession, and sometimes take the opportunity to have a laugh with it. Having colitis, I've had all manner of doctors putting all manner of instruments in me, and lots of digital rectals, and the line 'aren't you even going to buy me dinner first?' is always a good one for junior doctors :roflmao:

Bottom line is remember, medical professionals are just that - professional - they've seen all sorts of things, but they're just as human as you too.

29-07-13, 15:33
I was more embarrassed about having a finger up my back side, I was going through a fear of bowel cancer, because of my abdominal pain, had a lot of digital examinations by doctors, even when I thought I had worms. including lots of testicular and penile checks.

I know as I get older I been in queue for prostate checks and probably had my prostate felt during my rectal exam I don't know I am no doctor.

29-07-13, 17:17
Yes, I think having your piles banded is way up above having a baby on the embarrassing scale. :blush:

Especially by a really good-looking guy. It just made it worse somehow! LOL

29-07-13, 17:31
Thank fully it was not worms or bowel cancer, but it was best to get it checked out.

29-07-13, 18:31
Yes, I think having your piles banded is way up above having a baby on the embarrassing scale. :blush:

Especially by a really good-looking guy. It just made it worse somehow! LOL

Embarrassing problems are always worse if your doctor is good-looking!! :)
But , like others have said, there is nothing that embarrasses doctors, they see patients ' bits and pieces' numerous times everyday and you cannot shock them. Hope it went well.

Anxiety Jim
29-07-13, 19:00
Hi everyone,

Well I managed to say it without stuttering too much, although I was looking at the floor for most of the time.

My fears haven't really been put at rest yet though, the GP didn't really examine me much, and just wanted a urine sample. If it comes back OK though she said I might need an ultrasound which is very worrying.

I only saw a locum, so I hope that me needing an ultrasound is recorded somewhere.

29-07-13, 19:11
At the end of the day you have to think that this is their job and they want to help you
good luck

29-07-13, 19:15
Glad you got through it ok Jim, try not to worry too much about further tests at least the doctor is being thorough.