View Full Version : Weird tight sensation in eyes and forehead pain when looking down?

29-07-13, 02:16
Everytime I look down since April, I keep getting this weird sensations in my eyes. It's kind of tight, but I really can't explain how it feels. I also start getting this pain in my forehead. It really worries me because I have brain tumour anxiety :( any advice?

29-07-13, 04:22
Hmm, have you ever thought it had to do something with hydration?

29-07-13, 04:50
Not really, I mean I don't think it is since it happens every time

29-07-13, 09:00
So - you may be chronically dehydrated..? Also you might have a long-term minor sinus infection. This isn't a silly thing to bother the doctor about, I would get it checked. Headaches really drag you down don't they.... :hugs:

29-07-13, 12:00
Time to see the optician I think :)

29-07-13, 13:17
It could also be neck tension. I go through bouts of dizziness when I look down, but it can also cause pain on the top of my head.

29-07-13, 13:23
Could be loads of things to be honest - the squinting in the Sun, hayfever, sinusitis, headache, etc. Only one way to know though - see someone. :)

29-07-13, 17:49
Thanks guys, I went to my doctors and he wants me to get a sinus X-ray, I really really hope it's just something related to that and nothing serious