View Full Version : Death by smoking

29-07-13, 03:39
Ok here it goes with another thread... Sorry everyone who keeps seeing my threads I seem to be in a permanent anxious state... Well I smoke pretty heavily 10-15 a day occasionally 20 I am 23
Started smoking at around 14-15 had 3 bouts of quitting once for 3 weeks next time for 5 week an last time for 8 weeks... I'm not sure why I started again my only explanation is I'm a idiot. Now smoking to me is a double edged thing on one hand it's a crutch for me to lean on when I'm anxious, grumpy, bored or tired .. On the other hand it's something I always worry about which brings me to this I jogged to shop which Is less then minute away literally across road an did a very fast walk back got in house an could hardly breath like there was a steel band round chest it's happened before my fitness levels even tho I am slim are zilch ! I don't do exercise apart from walk dog now is it the smoking causing my tight chest an breathlessness or my low fitness level because I have a friend who goes gym 4 times a week who smokes more then me an she doesn't have this problem! I'm worried I will faint from not getting enough air or something horrible will happen ! Thoughts please x

29-07-13, 04:20
Chain smoking will mess up your circulation and lungs. Gotta limit that long term.

29-07-13, 08:02
Funny you posted a thread I was going to aswel 10-15 cigarettes is not heavy smoking I also smoke around this many I think a lot about smoking I've been smoking 14 years now it does make me anxious as I think about all the stuff it causes I also feel very breathless after a little excercise and like someone is sitting on my chest I can never manage to stop and that irritates me because I feel I can never do anything good my sister is a heavy smoker she must smoke at least 30-40 a day easily but she don't have health anxiety and says you get what you get end of x

29-07-13, 08:21
Smoking does damage, everyone knows this. I'm not preaching, I was a smoker until 2 weeks ago, had been for 20 years, at around 15-20 a day. I still want to light up, every day but it is getting better.

Even people who appear unaffected by the habit are doing damage,make no mistake about that. Giving up smoking is probably the best thing you could do for your health. 15-20 isn't "Heavy" but it's heavy enough over an extended period like I did.

All of the health worries and problems I have can be directly related to smoking, which is why I gave up, hope it wasn't to late. It is never to late I guess.

Get some help if you want to quit, but you will have to really want to quit if you are going to do it. Exercise a little and increase it gradually, it will take time. You feel awful at first when you quit smoking as your chest clears all the rubbish. It does get better, and you will feel better without a doubt.

29-07-13, 08:43
If you have health anxiety smoking isn't a good long-term activity really. Even if you don't it isn't. I am old enough to have seen people my age with emphysema and lung cancer.

You sound a bit like me - I never managed to control my eating when I was calling myself a stupid idiot. I turned it around and aimed for days where I would get to the end and tell myself how well I had done. Made an enormous difference.

Why not try a 'ten a day' week and see how it goes from there? x

29-07-13, 10:59
Oh god trying to quit is hard I'm stupid and started up again when my lil one was a year hes now 2 I only smoke 4-6 a day but really want to quit feel guilty on my son!.. also does nothing for your health anxiety!.. now my health anxiety is better I am aiming to quit soon. I always felt like one to calm me down when I was anxious!.. try cutting down if you can!.. also little bits of exercise and your get your fitness levels up :) xx

29-07-13, 12:11
The simple reason you've failed your attempts at stopping is quite simple - nicotine addiction. Nicotine is actually one of the most addictive stimulants there is - however, unlike most others the physical addiction is very mild. Withdrawal of course is a form of anxiety as well.

Getting out of breath doesn't mean you're going to die. It's simply a measure of your fitness levels. From what you say, you're not a very heavy smoker (think 30-40+ as heavy).

The 'band' feeling around your chest is not your lungs, you'll be pleased to know, by the muscles around the chest. While I won't preach about smoking (we all know it's bad, there's no need to make you feel worse about it), even before you stop, hopefully for good, start getting some regular exercise.

29-07-13, 13:34
Most people relapse a couple of times before quitting for good. Smokers are at different stages with the first one being an inability to acknowledge that smoking is harmful to them. So you are past that stage and that's progress. When I studied psych at uni addiction studies was my passion. My postgrad studies were in addiction. I remember one of my lecturers. He was a professor and a chain smoker. In those days I was a smoker too. I remember thinking that if someone like him who knew so much about addiction couldn't give up smoking then what hope was there for the rest of us. It can be done. I did it. I used nicotine patches. They work.

30-07-13, 20:47
Hi people thanks for all the supportive and reassuring messages ur a great bunch on here who have been a massive source of comfort in my crazed and chaotic life lately... I am going to try quit smoking tomorrow my anxiety is terrible enough without adding smoking fears on to it .. Went to doctor today I have been referred for another round of therapy so fingers crossed xx

21-08-13, 00:01
Hi Sarah,

Did you manage to quit?!.. Since replying to your post I had a good think and really wanted to quit so I have and am on day 10 now :) feeling loads better for it!!.. Hope your doing well.. xx

21-08-13, 03:09
Noooo!! I haven't went 2 days without one at my dads but the dog got on my nerves (she has a tendency to do that) and back on them I went ! X

21-08-13, 10:15
Never ending problem. When I am at home I smoke more.
When I am out and about I can do without.
Even the E-lights I bought don't help xx

21-08-13, 19:50

I'm here to gain a better understanding of HA. I don't have it myself so I can't offer advice however, concerning smoking I can.

I was a smoker (cigarettes, pipe and cigars) for 35 years. Besides heredity, one of the main causes of my heart problems (cardio vascular disease, two heart attacks, bypass surgery and stents) came from smoking. Smoking as well as alcohol were part of the reason for my recent battle with Head and Neck cancer.

It seems totally counter productive for one who suffers from HA to smoke as it can and will cause serious health issues. You would think that after suffering a heart attack and having my chest cut open would have made me quit but it's a testament to how powerful nicotine addition is that I didn't.

A year ago when I began to suspect that something might be wrong (sinus infection and swollen gland that wouldn't go away), I quit. I used the electronic cigarette to do so. It delivers nicotine in a vapor. It "feels" like you're smoking, tastes way better and quells the oral fixation as well. You can step down in strength until you reach 0mg nicotine. Even my doctors agreed that the vapor is much better than the 4000+ chemicals you inhale in tobacco smoke. Even so, I suffered a 2nd heart attack and had stents put in last October. My cancer diagnosis soon followed.

If any of you are currently smoking, I implore you to quit. It seems to me that quitting would also help to alleviate fears of cancer as well.

I know how difficult nicotine addiction is. I also know you can beat it. Do it now so you don't have to face the issues I have faced.

Positive thoughts and prayers!
