View Full Version : Broken tooth and now dentist worries!

29-07-13, 06:34
I have broken a tooth by stupidly eating a very chewy sweet , luckily at the minute it isn't hurting but I am worried what the dentist will be able to do with it. I am pretty dentist phobic , I can't just have it pulled out as it is noticeable when I smile and I would rather not have a gap. Will they be able to do anything else. I feel a bit sick thinking about going, last time I went to the dentist I panicked when they gave me the anaesthetic , got heart palps and havn't been back since. I know I have to go this time but would feel better if I knew what they do in these situations. Thanks

29-07-13, 08:48
Most dentist these days are very aware of patients anxieties and are accomodating to them.
Call your dentist or pop in if you can. Explain why you are worried, be honest then they will be able to help you in the best way for you. The dentist may agree with you a signal or something so that you can indicate that you need a break for example. Don't forget that you are paying the dentist for a service so to that extent you are the boss and calling the shots. Go and get that tooth looked at, the sooner you go the smaller the job will be to get it fixed.

29-07-13, 11:59
Depending how large the damage is, they could cap it, place a filling, root canal treatment, or extraction.

29-07-13, 12:40
i think that if the tooth is still viable (hopefully that is the case as it's not hurting) then they'd put a cap on. My partner had that doesn when 1/2 her tooth fell off. It was a couple of appointments I believe - the first I imagine they take a cast of the tooth so they can manufacture the cap. 2nd appt is to have it fitted. At least that's what I think happens. Just typical this has happened to you, but the bit probably would have come off sooner or later regardless of the chewy sweet and better to get this fixed anyway. Hopefully this will set your mind at rest a little. My partner is also phobic of the dentist too. Her dentist knows this. Also there are some dentists who specialise with anxious patients. Best of luck with it all.

29-07-13, 16:09
I am always nervous when visiting the dentist even for check ups. my current dentist is fantastic who knows I am nervous , including more worrying about cancer as well.

I remember when I broke my filling I was eating a piece of fish from the chippie, even though I always said this broke it, I got no proof. I was nervous but went in the next day to the dentist who fixed it with a replacement filling.

29-07-13, 16:26
I was so afraid of the dentist after bad experiences as a child that I avoided going for many years, until I chipped a front tooth and could not put off going any longer. I was able to find a practice where the website specifically mentioned dental phobia and they had someone trained to help. The dentist was fantastic. She explained what she was doing and agreed that she would stop at any time if I raised my hand. She was so reassuring that I was able to have my damaged front teeth filled and although it was a bit uncomfortable it was not at all painful. It seems silly now that I was afraid for so long as it only took 45 minutes to sort out. Find a good dentist who understands your fears and it will hopefully all be fixed in a very short time. Good luck!

29-07-13, 18:08
Thanks all!! I am concerned about my dentist, he is a good dentist but quite abrupt and I always feel he is watching the clock and does not have time for nervous patients . I have my appointment Wednesday afternoon and just hope he can do something with it that is not too extreme l. Thanks again. xx

29-07-13, 18:26
Good Luck with the tooth almermatters. :hugs:on wednesday

29-07-13, 18:41
Good Luck with the tooth almermatters. :hugs:on wednesday

Thanks Magic :hugs:xx

31-07-13, 06:24
I have my appointment today for my broken tooth (it really has come round quick) I am starting to get very nervous, just keep thinking about the palpitations I got last time. I am going to explain I am nervous when I get in and hope that helps.

31-07-13, 08:18
Good luck this afternoon. It will soon be over.:yesyes:

31-07-13, 09:22
well done for making the appointment alma; as flossie says, it will soon be over. meanwhile i suggest trying to keep your mind busy elsewhere as this will help you reduce your anxiety in the meantime. When you are there, focus on your breathing. Nice & steady. Do what you can to relax and yes as you say let them know how you are feeling as this means they'll be as gentle and reassuring as they can.

31-07-13, 10:06
Good luck Alma. I know how you feel. I'm waiting on my appointment for a temp filling that came out a couple of weeks ago. I was meant to make an appointment months ago when I first had the filling put in & to finish of root canal work but because the pain was gone I ignored it! I'm suffering the consequences now though. My tooth & gums are starting to feel a bit tender so I think I may be getting an infection! I haven't been to the dentist in years so probably need alot of work done. The hardest thing was making the appointment - I was SO nervous. Big hugs.

31-07-13, 17:43
Thanks all , its over and done with , I have had a temporary filling but need to have a implant as the tooth can't be saved. I was quite calm really, the dentist knew I was really nervous and did his best to reassure me. I did practice my breathing which really did help so thanks for reminding me Tessar! :)
Good luck to your meche for your appointment :), I am the worst person for leaving things and hoping they go away, of course they never do!
Thanks Flossie :)

31-07-13, 20:46
Well done alma!!!!!! good for you....

31-07-13, 20:52
:yesyes: Well done.
Thanks for coming back to let us know how you got on.

31-07-13, 21:58
Good luck Alma. I know how you feel. I'm waiting on my appointment for a temp filling that came out a couple of weeks ago. I was meant to make an appointment months ago when I first had the filling put in & to finish of root canal work but because the pain was gone I ignored it! I'm suffering the consequences now though. My tooth & gums are starting to feel a bit tender so I think I may be getting an infection! I haven't been to the dentist in years so probably need alot of work done. The hardest thing was making the appointment - I was SO nervous. Big hugs.

Michelle..... Let us know when your appointment is and then we can support you along the way. Everyone is soooo brave when it comes to things like this. I am lucky as I do get nervous but not anxious like so many people here. This is why I admire people's resolve. :-)

01-08-13, 09:11
Well done almermatters:hugs:

01-08-13, 12:59
Aw thank you Tessar - you're so kind :)!

I have to go down today to sign a medical form and should get my appointment within a couple of days. It gives me a chance to get a feel for the place so that when I do go for the real thing, I'll hopefully be less nervous. Will let you all know.

Well done Alma - you should be hugely proud of yourself. :hugs: xx

---------- Post added at 12:59 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

Well just got back from the dentist and I'm all registered and got my appointment for 14th Aug. It's a bit of a wait and if my tooth gets painful or I have problems before then I'll have to go to an emergency dentist! I didn't feel too bad. They seemed friendly and it was quite a relaxed atmosphere. What I did find quite funny though is that my appointment is with Dr Jagdeep! Jag Deep! Are they serious!! xx

06-08-13, 11:42
Hi huys - quick question. Does anyone know what the start of an infection feels like? It's a week till my appointment and so far I've done really well at keeping this huge hole in my tooth clean. I've been chewing on my right side but I always rinse my mouth out after eating to get rid of any bits that could possibly get in there. It's become a bit of a ritual! Anyway since last night the area around my 'manky' tooth has felt odd. Not painful just a bit throbby, uncomfortable and tingly - it feels like my cheek is swollen but there is no swelling inside my mouth. It kept irritating me through the night then went away but it's started again. I was hoping to get away with it for another week and I don't really want to see an emergency dentist if I don't have to! xx

06-08-13, 12:21
its difficult to say as the things you describe might be an infection starting BUT (& its a BIG but) the area is going to be very sensitive as there's a bit missing. even just a little bit missing could cause discomfort i am certain.
food could irritate it or perhsaps cool air, warmth from food or drink etc.... it might just be that its much more sensitive than normal to ordinary things.
you could avoid chewing on that side til its treated - i would certainly do that. any time i've had a bad tooth, that's one of the first things i do - avoid anything likely to trigger pain.
do you have any mouthwash you can use? that might calm the area down. i think that might help keep it clean but it sounds to me like you are doing a sterling job anyway. good for you.

if it were to hurt then NHS choices say "ibuprofen is the preferred painkiller for dental abscesses but if you are unable to take ibuprofen for medical reasons, you can take paracetamol instead. "

Their advice also states (in the case of an ascess): avoid anything that makes the pain worse, such as hot or cold foods or cold air; holding cooled water or crushed ice around the tooth can sometimes ease the pain; the pain can often feel worse when you are lying flat, so lying propped up may help ease pain

anyway; it might be that you can cope til the appointment is booked but if it really does start to hurt then get seen asap. whilst it would be nice to delay treatment & be prepared. If it is bad then you need it seen sooner rather than later. Dont delay. The emergency dentists i have seen have been very caring and just like a normal dentist they would listen if you say you are anxious too.

fingers crossed for you it'll probably be ok.

06-08-13, 12:47
Thanks Tessar - my post reads wrong! I am chewing on my right 'good' side and avoiding the other side. It's bloody awkard but has to be done.

It's such a weird sensation. My gums on that top left side feel so tingly. I think I might have exposed nerves because the temp filling which came out was to protect a partial root canal they did - it still needs finishing! It's not painful (I've experienced toothache that has had me in tears before) but if I feel it getting that way I'll def be making an emergency appt. It's such a big hole though that I'm worried something has got in there and gone so far up I can't feel it or get it out. Anyway, thanks for the advise honey. I think I'll stick with it and keep an eye on it. If it is an infection I'm sure I'll soon know about it!!! xx

13-08-13, 14:54
Well, the time is almost upon me guys. Tomorrow is my dentist appointment :huh:. It's come around so quickly. I'm a little nervous but in all honesty I'm not feeling as bad as I expected. There are a few reasons for this. This time tomorrow it will all be over with. It is 30-45 minutes out of my day and it's done with. Ok - I know for a fact that I'm going to need follow up treatment but after the initial consultation is over, I'm hoping future visits will be easier..... hoping!!! I also heard from a friend of mine who is absolutely petrified of the dentist. He was put so at ease by the person treating him that he now goes for regular checkups without any fear. That made me feel better.

Secondly, I was at a funeral yesterday and on a much bigger scale of things, a dentist appointment seems insignificant. That's it really. I'm not ill and I'm not going to die. In a weird kind of way I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to getting that first visit over with and can't wait to have nice polished healthy teeth. If I can get through scans and biopsies for a breast lump then this should be a walk in the park. However....... I'll let you know how I feel in the morning! xx

13-08-13, 17:30
Good luck for tomorrow Michelle , sure it will go well for you, I think sometimes the anticipation of going to the dentist can be worse than going to the actual appointment. Let us know how you go on, my next one is a week on Wednesday, feeling quite calm about it at the moment though. xxxxx

14-08-13, 06:40
Thanks Alma. Every time I woke up during the night it was the first thing I thought about. My tummy is doing somersaults this morning & I'm not feeling as brave as I did yesterday! Thinking of ways to get out of it....... but I won't. I'm being really brave & going on my own whereas in the past I've ALWAYS taken someone with me. Can you believe it - 39 years old & I've never been to the dentist on my own ever!!!! Oh well - let's get this done with!!!! xx

14-08-13, 20:47
Hope it went well Michelle, I like to take someone with me as well, but did go alone last time, I just held the dental nurses hand throughout lol.

14-08-13, 22:03
Michelle, I admire your attitude & how u r being positive ....... Hope it went well :)

15-08-13, 09:29
Thanks ladies. It went absolutely fine. I felt so sick yesterday morning and was SO nervous sitting in the waiting room but the dentist was a lovely young lady who made me feel so at ease. Her assistant was lovely too and had my kind of sense of humour. Anyway, I had a full examination and x-rays done and I go back in 2 weeks for root canal treatment. I also have to have a couple of fillings and have been referred to the hospital to have a wisdom tooth extracted which is so far back and can only be done under anaesthetic. It's all good though and I wish I'd plucked up the courage to do it years ago. In a weird way I'm looking forward to my next appointment so I can get it all done and dusted. One thing is certain - I will definitely now be going for regular check-ups. xx

15-08-13, 12:07
Well done michelle!!! You have done so well. It's your attitude towards this that has got you through. I'm really pleased. Out of interest, how do you feel about a general anaesthetic for having that wisdom tooth out? I had an impacted one removed under local (because i refused a general). it involved alot of work but the dentist (who was based at the hospital) was happy to do it under local. it's worth asking the question. but ultimately of course the decision's yours. meanwhile it's so good to hear your positive outcome. dental work is never pleasant but once you have everything resolved you'll feel better in yourself. and sharing your story here means other people who are phobic of the dentist will see it's possible to overcome the fear.
Yipeeee for you!!!!

15-08-13, 13:07
Thank you Tessar. I guess my attitude is that of 'it has to be done'! I was thinking about this last night and I couldn't believe I actually did it. All that fuss for nothing. Of course it helped that the people were so lovely and I couldn't thank them enough for making me feel at ease. I haven't really thought much about the wisdom tooth removal. I've basically told them to do what they need to do. Local/general - whatever it takes. I'm relying on them to get me through it :)!!!

I think it is important to share our stories here and for anybody with a dental phobia all I can say is; it is NEVER as bad as you think. I'm not just saying that to make you feel better - this is coming from someone who hasn't been to the dentist in over 15 years because she was so petrified! It won't make you ill and it won't kill you. What it will do is give you so much more confidence. I know I might be painting my own rainbow (a saying of mine) but I'm really proud of myself. Confront the fear... it pays off! Now to make an opticians appointment..... :huh:!!! Big hugs! xx

16-08-13, 19:24
Really pleased it went well Michelle and I think it is great that you have shared a positive dental experience on here as so many of us are scared of going and I agree sometimes the thought of going is actually worse than being there. I have my follow up appointment this coming Wednesday, I am worried as I am having a crown fitted but I'm sure it will be worth it when it is done.

16-08-13, 19:33
Well done ladies you've both done so well! Good luck for Wednesday Alma.

I'm booked in for Friday :ohmy: my problem is I'm housebound with agoraphobia. The dentist did a home visit six months ago but really wants me to try and get in as he wants to take x-rays. Hope I can get there as I don't want bad teeth! I also worry about my teeth as I get bad acid reflux and this can cause major damage to teeth and gums.

16-08-13, 19:43
Thanks Bernie , I am not looking forward to but need it doing. Good luck for Friday . xxxx

16-08-13, 20:54
Michelle, it's great you feel proud..... And you deserve to. I agree that facing something really does give you extra confidence.

20-08-13, 18:41
Just wanted to post that I have my follow up appointment tomorrow for my cap on my tooth and also my small filling, it is a 40 minute appointment which seems a long time to me to be sitting somewhere I just do not want to be. After feeling very calm last week I now feel a bit sick and worried. my appointment is not till 4.30 pm so I have all day to stress out about it.

21-08-13, 19:54
Hurray!! it's over, it went surprisingly quickly and I was fairly calm throughout, my tooth feels ok and the only embarrassing part of it all was my stomach which decided to rumble loudly throughout the appointment!!. I am glad it is over and I am pleased that I managed it, even the dentist commented how well I did today. :)

21-08-13, 21:01
Very well done
When will we all learn that the actual event is NEVER as bad as the actual event
And with hindsight we should rem this a try not to worry so much.

It sooo helps others by your positive post

21-08-13, 21:10
That's so great alma, you are great and the bit about a rumble tummy did make me smile.

21-08-13, 21:22
Thanks Dally and Tessar xxx

30-09-13, 13:06
Hi all, i know this thread is a few weeks old, but im having three teeth out today, not sedated, just under normal anastetic and im petrified now its coming to it. Ive not thought about it but its the anathstic feelings im nervous about, i dont want to feel 'fluttery'. Ive had one tooth out in 2009 and i didnt feel too bad from what i remember, bar the cracking noise (yuck) at that time i wasnt an anxious person as such, plus my dad took me last time. Today im on my own and ive got to get the bus home afterwards and i keep panicing incase i have a funny turn..

30-09-13, 13:50
Hi all, i know this thread is a few weeks old, but im having three teeth out today, not sedated, just under normal anastetic and im petrified now its coming to it. Ive not thought about it but its the anathstic feelings im nervous about, i dont want to feel 'fluttery'. Ive had one tooth out in 2009 and i didnt feel too bad from what i remember, bar the cracking noise (yuck) at that time i wasnt an anxious person as such, plus my dad took me last time. Today im on my own and ive got to get the bus home afterwards and i keep panicing incase i have a funny turn..

Good luck Shivmarie, I am sure you will be fine, I have never had three teeth out at once, but my sister had a three out when she had her brace fitted and she said it was not too bad. I felt ok when I had the anesthetic last time as I made sure I had something to eat in the morning, when I didn't eat at my first appointment, I felt very light headed and weird when I had the anesthetic and the dentist said I must have breakfast before my appointment. Hope it goes ok for you, let us know how you get on . xx

30-09-13, 14:03
Thanks Alma, ive had a sausage roll and a ham and cheese slice from Greggs about an hour ago? do you think that would suffice? as i struggled to eat it anyway as i feel sick because of the anxiety. I'm doing really well with my anxiety issues but this is just causing me to feel incredibly anxious. I am going to tell her im anxious when i get in, she wasnt very nice to me on my examination, so part of that is playing on my mind. I don't want sedation as i have a fear of that as im not in my own mind sort of thing. I dont recall having any negative effects from the injections last time, and i had brief root canal a few years back, but im thinking having GAD will fuel it? Its at 3.20 my tummy is churning. I will do guys. I keep trying to stay positive telling myself its for the greater good as soon i will have my brace on and so on....xx

30-09-13, 15:29
Thanks Alma, ive had a sausage roll and a ham and cheese slice from Greggs about an hour ago? do you think that would suffice? as i struggled to eat it anyway as i feel sick because of the anxiety. I'm doing really well with my anxiety issues but this is just causing me to feel incredibly anxious. I am going to tell her im anxious when i get in, she wasnt very nice to me on my examination, so part of that is playing on my mind. I don't want sedation as i have a fear of that as im not in my own mind sort of thing. I dont recall having any negative effects from the injections last time, and i had brief root canal a few years back, but im thinking having GAD will fuel it? Its at 3.20 my tummy is churning. I will do guys. I keep trying to stay positive telling myself its for the greater good as soon i will have my brace on and so on....xx

I just had toast before my appointment and was fine, definitely tell the dentist how you feel, mine was a bit impatient with me until I explained I had anxiety and then he was really nice. Hope it goes well for you, like you said, think about the end result and this will help get you through it. xx

30-09-13, 19:49
Shivmarie, I am wondering how u got in? I can totally understand your apprehension. I've had teeth removed under local and for me it has gone ok. Not the most pleasant experience but you get over the procedure ugh more quickly under local. Anyway, I hope u r ok!!

30-09-13, 20:23
Hi tessar. I went in and was out within 15 minutes, I was more relaxed when I got there. I had four teeth out in the end, I'm just freaking out because of the bleeding still, I rang them and they didn't sound worried just keep changing my bite pads, I'm in abit of pain now, just had some soup and soft bread as I started feeling abit lightheaded, which in turn is making me anxious. Now I'm freaking out because I'm scared ill bleed through the night so frightened to sleep x

30-09-13, 21:42
Shivmarie, perhaps u could try sleeping propped up a bit, if you are laying flat then that will make any pressure in your gums feel worse. Gosh 4 teeth out, poor you!!!! You need hugs and lots if them. Hopefully the pain will lessen in a while. It's never a nice thing having extractions but I am very impressed with how you coped. You did exceptionally well and are to be congratulated on this achievement.