View Full Version : Please help - agoraphobic, cant cope!

lisa p
16-10-06, 10:25

Where do I start, I dont really now, well here goes!

I am feeling so fed up and low, last week I was really ill with tonsilitis, and whilst I was lying around, I managed to have a good think about my life, and decided really for the last four years I havent had much of a life.

I really think that I am suffering from agoraphobia more than the pa's I have suffered for over 12 years at least years ago I could go out, but now its the school run, local shop and that is it.

As a family with two young children my hubby and I are desperate for a holiday, even if its 15 mins down the road, but at the moment I dont think I can manage it.

My little girl starts school in Jan and I am in tears already wondering how I am going to cope taking her to school , at the mo cause my son is 9 I just drop him at the gate and go, but when she starts I will have to leave the car and stand in the playgound, god I am so worried.

I have been to the docs, but am on a long waiting list to see a councillor, in the meantime I am left feeling very tearful and low, with yet another half term coming up, and still unable to take the kids out and about.

Please, Please, any advice would be very welcome.

Many thanks

Lisa px

16-10-06, 11:53
Hi Lisa,
Sorry youre feeling crap at the mo,we've all been there...
Youre not alone in feeling the way you do.Try not to worry about taking your child to school just yet,January is a really long time away and you could be feeling loads better by then.You are in a crap place right now and thats exactly where i was but you must remember that you CAN do it.You WILL take your child to school and everything will be fine,as much as you think you'll collapse at the school gates in front of everyone,YOU WONT.Its just you jumping to the worst possible conclusion,but lets face it...how often does the worst conclusion actually ever happen..?
Youve got into the habit of thinking too much about things and that can be soul destroying,trust me,but things DO get better honestly.
The only trouble is..the more you try to rid yourself of anxiety and panic the longer it lingers around.
You need to try if you can not to pay it as much attention as you are doing,easier said than done i know but does it really deserve it.?
ANXIETY HATES TO BE IGNORED so try to do just that and you will win in the end.If you cant get out anywhere try and do things at home that will distract you and give you less time to dwell on things.
I hope ive helped a little bit,if you wanna chat anytime just pm me.
Anyway,take it easy and KEEP SMILING,Candie xx:D

16-10-06, 13:20
Hi Lisa and welcome.You will get some really helpful advise here,and make some new friends to.We know how your feeling so your not alone.Anxiety is horrid but we cant let it beat us!!!!!!!!!!:)
Take care

Ellen XX

16-10-06, 14:57
I know just how you feel- panic attacks were bad enough but they quickly turned into agoraphobia- which has got much worse in the past couple of weeks.

I think you're really great for doing the school run and going to the local shop! And try not to worry about having to go into the playground- I work as a TA (or shold I say used to- not able to go in at the moment) so I know what the system is like and most teachers prefer it if you don't hang around too long anyway- it just increases the child's anxiety.

And of course you may be much better by January so don't let it make you miserbale just yet! :-)

Hope you've found some of the advice here useful.


17-10-06, 08:13
hi lisa

I know exactly how you feel, had real problems a while ago with getting my child to school because of panic, but one day my frtiend never turned up to take her so i was in at the deep end and managed it alone. took a while to be able to get into the school but started with leaving her at the gates. this will get better the more you do it and try not to worry about it beforehand, cos you will be more anxious. it is easier said than done and it takes time to be ok with it but you will do it i promise you. good luck with it

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

17-10-06, 09:31
Lisa, its time to face forward and let the past go. I lost 8 years to Agoraphobia but i recovered. Oh yes i'm a father of 5, aged 13, 12, 10, 4, and 22 months. The 4 year old just started school.
I went through the taking the children to school fear, i've only been a driver for 3 years! I'm 38! I stood on my own, easier as a man to get ignored by the mothers?

Let's look clearly at recovery, which you can do and start today. Honestly. When i was surrounded by people who supported me saying i can't do it, i sat in one room scared of every noise. When i moved and my dad wouldn't take no for an answer, i changed to his doctor and things started immediatly.
So i'm telling you that you can start recovery IMMEDIATLY as you read my words. Firstly start by facing your fears mentally. Imagine going out, feel the horrible symptoms coming. Think i am winning, i'm not running away i'm thinking of my fear. I know its not easy but stop running and look the fear in the face!
If you feel able DO something you wouldn't normally do. Even if this is standing by a window, or opening the front door for 10 seconds and then slamming it. YOU WILL BE A WINNER right now TODAY.
Before people start posting replies saying it's easy for you, sorry it wasn't. I've been sick in public before getting on a bus. Left a restaurant to be sick.. but i went back in. I had the VICTORY. I've sweated through my clothes to the point of stinking just on a 5 minute walk. Felt so dizzy i nearly passed out. In fact you name a symptom and i've had it.


Face your fear - TODAY RIGHT NOW
Stay in the situation - WHATEVER THE FEELINGS

Live in fear and run away. Or stand up straight, face forward and walk towards it. It can't be any worse!
I'll be here on e mail, p message, this site or the National Phobics Society site to help anyone HELP THEMSELVES. Anyone from new members to the Moderators who post the fact that they can't face their fears either. Love to all readers, Paul.

Love to all members

17-10-06, 10:54
Hi, i've not been diagnosed with agrophobia as i've never seen a GP yet in the past 16 years i've suffered with anxiety, but I can relate to these feelings lately of being in fear of being in the company of a lot of people and feeling a wave of panic come over me. I find I start panicking when I stand in a queue of people, at the hairdressers, walking into town when it's very crowded and even when I had to sit in a meeting at work last week I felt like I had to escape. At the moment i'm not at work because I can't face anyone at the moment and only feel safe when i'm at home. I'm waiting for a phone call from the doctor today to see if he can sign me off sick as I can't get an appointment until the 1st Nov. and I can't go that long without something to calm me down. Reading everyone's messages has made me feel a bit better knowing there's other people going through the same but i'm just scared at the moment i'm going loopy.:(

"It doesn't matter who you are, it's what you do that takes you far"

17-10-06, 10:57
Miss champers- that is just what happened to me- it sounds like the beginnings of agoraphobia- try your best not to avoid those situations and it will get better- though I know its difficult. Hope GP is helpful :)

lisa p
17-10-06, 11:36

Thank you all so much for the positive feed back. I am feeling a little better today, and have persuaded a hypnotist to visit me at home on Thursday, so fingers crossed.

I am really going to try and beat this, because if I do not my hubby and children will have no life, and its not fair on them.

My aim is to go to a hotel for a night before xmas, it is only a 15 min drive down the road, so I am going to try and stay strong and fight this. Will let you know how I get on with the hypnotist.

Once again thanks your replys have made me feel much better.

Take Care

Lisa px

17-10-06, 19:20
HI Lisa,

Great news you are feeling a little better, I myself have been seeing a hypnotist the last 3 weeks, i have learnt alot from her and really enjoyed the experience, let us know how things go on Thursday !



18-10-06, 02:35
hi lisa, i suffer from agoraphobia myself sometimes and it is so annoying, hypnotherapy has really helped me and i hope it does the same for you, i've only had two sessions so far but i've learnt some great coping strategies, some to do with distracting yourself from the fear and some to do with accepting that it is there, hope it goes well for you xx

18-10-06, 05:01
Lisa, I know what you are going through. I used to be so ill I couldn't leave the house. One night as I was putting my son to bed he patted my arm and said, "One day Mommy, when you're feeling better, we can go to the park."
I went to my room and sobbed. I felt so guilty because I couldn't even take my own children to the park. I made a vow to try. First I went outside and sat on the porch. The next day we went down to the end of the block, the next day I walked with the kids around the block and soon I managed to walk them to the park. Yes, it was hard. Take someone with you if you need to. A friend or a family member. Try to get a little further each day. Every day you stay inside it gets worse.
I agree with Paul on this one. I know how hard it is but you can do it, one step at a time. Good luck to you!


18-10-06, 09:57
Fantastic post, Paul. You have done so well to overcome your agoraphobia.

Lisa, I was just like this when my anxiety was at it's worst. Felt dreadful standing in the playground, wanted to run back to the car, only felt safe(er) at home. I used to arrive at the last minute so I didn't have to face anyone.

It will take a while, but you will manage. Like Candie said, and like me, you are just expecting the worst. I have spent two years waiting for a imaginary heart problem to occur - it hasn't happened yet. What's the worst that could happen when you take your daughter to school?

You feel dreadful - well it will only be for a few minutes. You've felt terrible before, lots of times, and you get through it.
You faint or collapse - very, very unlikely, but someone will come and help you.
You burst into tears - if anyone asks, make up a story.

12 years is a long time to suffer with anxiety - you and your family deserve so much more. Tammye72's advice is excellent - one step at a time. Best wishes.

19-10-06, 19:48
Lisa - you could start going to th school now and standing by the gate in gentle steps - get in practice now and it won't seem so bad and strange in January.

Don't put it off and let the fears feed themselves


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

lisa p
20-10-06, 13:00
Thanks everyone for the help and advice.

The hypnotist came yesterday just for a chat and he is going to come in two weeks time to start the treatment, he thinks I will need a course of 5-6 sessions, its expensive, but I am praying that this is going to help, even if its just a little better, it would be great.

Take care

Lisa x

20-10-06, 21:08

Set yourself some small challenges every day and make sure you stick to them.

So get out and go for a walk and stick at it regardless of how bad you feel. It won't kill you I promise.

Small steps and you will soon see a noticeable difference in things

Have faith in yourself - you can do this.

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


21-10-06, 11:16
Paul you tell us to get out and face our fears but you dont say how you overcome yours.

Can you enlighten us with what techniques you used when you started to panic and were sick before getting on a bus and in a restuarant and sweating. how did you get on the bus and go back into the restaurant and see it all through.

Lisa I hope all goes well for you with hypnotherapy.



21-10-06, 21:03
My absolute WORST fear in the world would be panicking THEN puking in public. Horrendous!
I would rather have a knitting needle rammed in my eye...lol
