View Full Version : I was doing so well and then this happened

29-07-13, 07:58
My HA is still here but I've been visiting this new psychiatrist who is really, really good and I finally somehow started to believe that maybe everything is okay with me despite the symptoms I have (fear of having brain tumor because of constant head pains for an year). I was feeling great and then had to write a post on other forum, explaining everything that's been happening to me this past year and most of the people replied that if doctors tell me I'm okay I should believe them and stuff like that, and then there was this post saying that I should immediately seek for help again because they knew someone who had undetected brain AVM, that my scans wouldn't show everything and I'm really stressed out now. I didn't even know what the hell brain AVM is and now I have plus one more thing to stress about. I've done 2 CT scans, both clear, and this person tells me that they don't show some stuff and now what am I supposed to do, go through all the stress again, do a MRI...what else? I'm honestly pissed, now I'll have to torture everybody around me again, including my neurologist who is a family friend and has told me hundreds of times that I don't need a MRI, that CT scan also shows everything that he needs to see and what am I supposed to say, 'hey doctor, this person on the internet tells me different?' I don't know what to do anymore, I finally started to feel better and this had to happen.

29-07-13, 08:15
I had the brain tumour fear earlier this year for 3 months I went to the doctors several times in the 3 months had a eye and field test showed 100% on those an
Optician can see all the way to the back of your head and most brain tumours are found by a optician my doctor refused me any tests at all said it was all in my head and until I sorted out my cancer fears there was nothing anybody could do I walked out that office came home and fell to my knees I cried and cried and cried thinking no one I'd going to help me I'm going to due it will be to late I hate hot spots over my body like someone was tipping hot wax on me then I had left head pain with pins and needles in my head and face also face numbness I had severe headaches 24/7 to the point I couldn't even lift my head of the pillow I was a zombie in agony no tablets even touched the pain I was convinced I had this feeling like cold water was running down the side of my head inside thou I thought it was blood internally the list goes on but I'm still here I changed doctors and she's really nice she told me that's not how brain tumours present there self the symptoms are much more severe and don't go on for a long time so I guess you have had it a year I'm sure you would be dead by now wouldn't you ? X

29-07-13, 08:41
Yeah, that's what the doctors say, that's it's been an year and I would be dead by now or dying if I had brain tumor.
Thank you. It's just that bad words affect me much more than the good ones, I don't know why.

29-07-13, 09:36
We're all the same jimmy we can read a million good things and only 1 bad 1 and that's it we will take that 1 as solid evidence that were next in line its all part of it our anxiety x