View Full Version : Pregabalin

29-07-13, 09:11
Hi, just some advice needed please. I've been on Pregabalin since December for Health/General anxiety. Have suffered with it for over 10 years on and off and usually have Prozac. This time round have struggled with the side effects of Prozac so the Dr suggested Pregabalin. They have are working I think, 75mg twice a day. But over the last 2 or 3 months have felt that old niggling feeling in the morning creep back, knotted stomach an d unable to face breakfast. I've waiting for some blood tests to come back as I am constantly feeling tired (hoping to get these back today or tomorrow). But I'm now wondering if its maybe my anxiety pulling me down and perhaps my Pregabalin have stopped working...any advice please. Am thinking of trying the Prozac again as felt so well whilst taking these but dreading the side effects (have 2 children to cope without side effects too !). Thanks for any advice.:wacko:

29-07-13, 09:43
Hi I had been on pregabalin since September last year until approximately 2 months ago. It made me feel great for a few months, then the anxiety started creeping in again. I suffered a big panic attack and palpitations started approx. 3 months ago and I had blood tests and this showed abnormal blood results, due to this I decided to come off all medication which seemed to work as my blood results (liver) started reverting back to normal. I also didn't realise how drained the medication was making me feel until I stopped it, so maybe this is why you are so tired.
But, a BIG but I am really struggling with my health anxiety again at the moment and I am debating whether to go back on medication.
It's a big decision I need to make.
Hope you feel better soon :hugs:

29-07-13, 09:58
I had wondered if it was my medication making me feel so tired too. The Dr said not ! But I don't always believe what the dr says, which is why I'm toying with the idea of Prozac again, at least I know they work and work well. Thanks for your reply.

29-07-13, 12:19
Hi Tired.com,

I am a "pregabaler" and I can only say it has been a Godsend for me. We are all different I suppose!!
I am on 400mgs a day and they work brilliantly for me.
Medication, I believe, is not the complete answer to my anxiety problems. I would say that for me my tiredness/fatigue is a result of my anxiety. Anxiety fills your body with adrenaline Too much adrenaline in turn exhausts my body.

However, I think there can be a happy medium. Less anxiety (with pregabalin) gives me more energy, but pregabalin COULD be reducing my energy levels.

On balance I am happier having the pregabalin.


Her Indoors
29-07-13, 12:33
Hi Sarah,

I am struggling really badly at the moment with constant anxiety, it is unrelenting and I am exhausted, crying a lot and just don't want to do anything. I can't take much more, I am on medication but it doesn't really help, I am lucky that I do sleep because I am exhausted all the time. Do you think Pregabalin would help me, not sure I would even be prescribed it, as I understand it is expensive. I am desperate.

I have read some of your posts and see how you have got better. I am frightened I will be like this forever.

J xxx

29-07-13, 12:44
Hi J,

What other meds are you on?
There are many threads on the pregabalin site now which may help you. It is now a drug which is regularly prescribed for anxiety. I dont think the cost is an issue now. You could always suggest it to your Dr. HOWEVER, he/she may want to make sure you are not depressed as well as anxious.

Do you think that if the anxiety was removed that you would be able to enjoy life again?

I am not Dr so I think you should discuss all your symptoms with your GP and go from there.

I cannot take SSRI's, Tricyclics, or SNRI's but other people find that these drugs are also good for anxiety.

Go to your GP and think about your options....

PM me if you want to discuss further:)
