View Full Version : HA is back again after Accupuncture, finding really hard to cope

29-07-13, 09:45

I went for acupuncture on Wednesday night, I had actually started feeling a bit better but on Wednesday decided to try it out. Well it was awful, I sat there I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter and once the needles were in I just thought I was about to go, faint, collapse whatever so told him he removed the needles and said he wasn't sure if it was my anxiety or the acupuncture.

Since then my anxiety has come back with vengeance! I go to events and look up where the nearest ambulance station is and look for people that could be doctors! I am truly fed up!

I feel constantly dizzy and when I get a break from the dizziness I am constantly worried that it will come back again. I feel like I can't escape from it as lying down makes me feel worse!

Im trying really hard to do things to get on with it, like im going to start a new fitness thing on a Thursday night but worried im going to faint there already so scared of going!!!

Ive already had 6 sessions of CBT which helped but feel like im going backwards at the moment. I keep getting my numb face and dizziness predominately.

Please help :(