View Full Version : Restarting seroxat will it work again??

29-07-13, 12:50
Hello iam new in the forum and iam so glad to have found this website.I suffer with major anxiety and panic attacks.I was on seroxat for 4 years and i was feeling very good.I was at 20 mg the most period of time and everything was very good.
I decide to stop them before 3-4 months as i was feeling very good and try without them.The first 2 months i was good no problems no anxiety.One day happened and it has all come back.Before restart seroxat i tried St. John's wort and fluanxol but none of the two helped.So my doctor said to restart the seroxat.I started with 40 mg for 4 weeks and sometimes i was good sometimes not.The panic attacks stoped but i had a depressed mood and less anxiety.So i went to my doctor and he said to increase the dosage from 40 mg to 60 mg.Now iam on 60 mg from 5-6 days and the anxiety almost gone.Now stuck on my mood, i don't have energy to go somewhere or do something and i feel empty.As a said i don't have panic attacks any more and the anxiety almost gone only my mood is depressed.Do i have to wait more days to feel fully ok?What do you think?
I only know that the first time on seroxat before 4 years i was feeling good but i don't remember how long it took to feel good.It may be too early?
My doctor said that the medicine is working and to wait more time.I asked my doctor to change the medicine(seroxat) and he said me that the seroxat is very good medicine and as the first time worked it will work again but need some time.
Can you please help me?I don't know what to do!
Thanks very much in advance!!