View Full Version : OVERDOSE? EMERGENCY !!!

16-10-06, 11:45
OK I'm really freaking out right now sorry for the messy post I need some help ASAP. I took my two Citalopram tablets (total of 40 mgs), which is my prescribed dose, like 15 minutes ago. The thing is, I'm afraid that I might have overdosed because I think I already took my dose for the day a couple of hours ago, I'm just not sure and I can't remember what I did, did I take it, did I not take it, today was really busy and crazy and I just don't remember whether I took the 40 mgs once or twice. I tried to throw up just to be sure but I can't do it, I ended up with an extremely sore throat and tongue. What do I do now??? If I have given myself an overdoze, that means that I already have 4 tablets, or 80 mgs, of Citalopram in my system which is REALLY BAD considering the fact that the maximum amount of Citalopram one can be taking is 60 mgs!

Please help ! I'm really not sure what happened I'm just afraid that I may have accidentally overdozed.

Do I wait for symptoms (what are they and how long til they appear) or do I rush myself to the hospital, please tell me what to do I really don't wanna die or damage my brain for good !!!

16-10-06, 11:58
First calm down, try and calm your breathing. You will be fine, I promise.

Secondly ring your doctors surgery and explain whats happened. Don't wait for symptoms - ring straight away. They will be able to advice you on what to do.

You may have to go to the hospital just to be checked but this is routine - my mum works in a nursery and a little boy drank a whole bottle of calpol and was fine!

16-10-06, 12:31
hi lotus i would ring doctors for advice and this will help you calm down too ,just to reassure you ,ring up before waiting for any symptons or else you will be panicking more which wont help.let us know how you get on take care tracy

16-10-06, 12:35
Sophie and tam, thanks for your answers, I called my doctor, thank God I caught him on the phone, he was just about to leave his office. He said that there's no reason to worry and that I don't have to go to the ER even if I took the 80 mgs. Then, just to make sure, I called another doctor and he said exactly the same thing - that 80 mgs is not a toxic dose and that if I have overdosed I might feel sleepy and that's all that's gonna happen, no need to do anything special. I already called my best friend and freaked him out, he's coming over in about 10 minutes, I feel really silly for making him worry so much.

Sorry for freaking out like this, I was all over the place. I feel much better now wow, I'm not gonna die after all LOL ... and I think I should get myself a special "meds calender" and put a mark on it everytime I take my meds. That way I will know exactly what I take and when I take it (instead of just counting on my memory) and there will be no more situations like this one.

Problem solved, you can delete this thread, there's no need for it to be here anymore.
And I'm really sorry, again, for being such a freak, I just got really scared.

16-10-06, 12:43
hi lotus what a relief i have done somthing like that before i get my meds from boots and there dated mon tues wed maybe try them,it def helps.glad your ok take care tracy

16-10-06, 17:41
You don't have to apologize for posting about this!!!
It must have been really scary. I know I would've reacted the same way!!!
Glad everything is ok!!!

17-10-06, 09:43
Hi Lotus, hope you're feeling ok and calmer now. Just a suggestion, I know you can buy special containers for your pills with the days of the week on so you know if you have taken them. I've had the same experience as you at times-not sure whether I've taken them or not but I find it best to err on the safe side and if I think I may have had them, then I prefer to risk going without for a day as meds stay in your system for a long time, rather than take double.
Take Care