View Full Version : Big Appointment Tomorrow

29-07-13, 18:55
So after five months of feeling really sick, being housebound, getting bounced out of hospitals with 'I feel bad for you but I have no idea what's causing this' and being called crazy quite a few times, I finally have my appointment with the only autonomic clinic in the country tomorrow. It's in the centre of the city and I hope we'll actually be able to get there at rush hour, but I've heard good things about it on dysautonomia forums and elsewhere. I was lucky I got an appointment so fast due to the severity of my symptoms; a year's wait isn't unusual. And it's public too, so all the tests and consultations should be free. Which is good cos my parents have spent a lot of money, and I'm in serious medical debt, can't work atm and am due to be finishing my degree next year.

This has literally been my light at the end of the tunnel over these past months. I'm writing a symptom list tonight and all my friends are wishing this goes well. If it doesn't...it'll make things a lot harder, and they're hard enough. So here's to hoping I'm fairly symptomatic tomorrow :-P*

29-07-13, 22:10
Fingers crossed... x

29-07-13, 22:23
Good luck for tomorrow. Sounds like you're well prepared. I hope it will give you some answers!

30-07-13, 15:58
Thanks :-) I'm worn out after it, but it did go well.

30-07-13, 22:12
Hope you got some answers!