View Full Version : anxiety pains all in the mind!!

16-10-06, 12:45

since the beggining of August i was suffering with dizzyness, blurred vision well not blured just flickery, blocked up sinus, and ear pressure, well since i have had this pain in my tummy i honestly have not thought about my sinus probs once, they have disappered, strange ey, i wonder if its coz im focased on something else or its coz by coincidence they have got better,

what do u all think., i wonder if r brains are that great they can create an illness

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

16-10-06, 13:37
Hi Leanne I think its because you are focusing so much on you tummy problems you have forgot the others.This is what anxiety does to us.But at least you know it is anxiety and your sinus problem isnt anything serious as its gone at the mo!!!!
I keep weeing today,but tomorrow it will be gone.;)

Ellen XX

16-10-06, 15:57
Hey, i have the same thing! Im so focused on my legs and the pain and cramps there, that ive totally forgot about my neck problems!!

Becci x

16-10-06, 17:08


I had a headache for two years, which was 24/7.
I then had frequent urination and suprise suprise, my headache went.
Then I had other symtoms and again the frequent urination went.
