View Full Version : Feel like I'm falling for a split second

29-07-13, 20:33

I keep getting this awful sensation that I'm falling for a split second...it happens standing, sitting and lying. What's scaring me is it happening out of the blue and there seems to be no cause. I have HA but feel quite relaxed when it happens...

I just feel like I'm falling backwards for a split second, almost like someone's grabbed my hair on the back of my head and pulled it. It actually makes me go "OOO" when it happens it scares me that much :(

Has anyone else had this???


29-07-13, 21:54
Yes i've had that too. It's nothing to worry about

29-07-13, 22:04
I have occasionally.

30-07-13, 00:39
Yes, used to get it alot, awake and whilst dreaming. I think in my case it was when I was particularly anxious x

30-07-13, 07:36
I've had something similar. It used to mainly happen when I was sat at my desk & it felt like somebody was rebooting the power to my body. It was like I'd passed out for a millisecond. I haven't had it in a while but it only ever happened when I was highly anxious. xx

30-07-13, 12:38
The ironic thing here is this occurs when your body actually starts to relax. It often causes people to tense up suddenly, which is counter-productive. Another good reason to practice relaxation techniques daily.