View Full Version : Does your panic feel like this?

29-07-13, 21:03
I just had another panick attack, what i feel is a heat wave going trough my body to my head and i start sweating and i feel like i can't think for a moment i feel like im losing my mind and as i think it's just about to happen this is the end :weep: it calms down again, its the most horrific feeling.. I can have this suddenly or after a catastrophic thought, mostly at night time

Does anyone else's panic feel like this?

29-07-13, 21:10
My attacks feel the same. I`m scared every time the evening approaches. :weep:

29-07-13, 21:11
yes me too :(

I feel so bad because of panic attacks my life has pretty much come to a hold, and i sometimes avoid the people i love because im feeling panicky wich i feel is so selfish

anx mum
29-07-13, 21:22
me too although I can get panics in day too. I think bedtime u tend to worry more. Do any off u get a feeling u cant breath?

29-07-13, 21:27
anx mum i don't get that anymore because i don't fear that anymore - for some reason, but i used to get that all the time

anx mum
29-07-13, 21:30
how did u overcome it?

29-07-13, 21:39
I'm not sure i just kinda stopped being afraid of it i think, my panic started with fear of choking and hyperventilating, that was my very first panic attack.

After a while i stopped fearing the breathing thing because even if you wouldn't be able to breath you would just pass out and wake up fine. You wouldn't die or anything. And that's when the difficulty breathing stopped too. Now i get all the anxiety symptoms except for the pain in the chest and difficulty breathing because those are the ones i don't fear anymore. Hope this makes sense

anx mum
29-07-13, 21:48
yeah thanks your braver than me. Im scared of the breathing