View Full Version : I keep moving from fear to fear?

29-07-13, 21:49
My panic started with a time when i thought i was choking and i went to the ER - but i was actually just hyperventilating. Then i had the fear of choking for quite a while and at some point stopped fearing it

Then a while later i started to be afraid of having a heart problem, i would think i had a heart attack and start panicking - i stopped fearing this at some point and then..

I started having heavy feelings in my head and was scared i had a brain problem or tumor - that ofcourse didn't happen either.

This was all over the span of like 4 years and now i'm having the fear of losing my mind wich i keep having panic attacks over. I've had 3 fears that didn't happen but this fear still makes me panic..

29-07-13, 21:59
Anxiety does that, moves from one thing to another..
you wont go crazy.. anxiety doesnt cause you to go crazy...
and people who are crazy dont know it!

30-07-13, 16:20
Very true; losing your mind is a common fear with anxiety and panic attacks cos they feel so bad, but in fact anxiety has very little relation to most of the 'lost your mind' disorders. This is why docs/hospitals don't tend to take anxiety as seriously as most other mental illness; you're unlikely to harm yourself or do anything 'crazy'. Hyper-cautious and worried aren't exactly the hallmarks of crazy after all. But of course anxiety sufferers still put themselves through torment, so I think it's wrong of docs not to be more empathetic about it.

30-07-13, 19:05
Im having this problem too just one fear after the other and i know its crazy but i just cant stop it either the anxiety gremlin seems to constantly just feed off our worries i wish we could have an on off switch button to turn the mind off sometimes ..... hope things get better for you soon

30-07-13, 20:47
I know this feeling so well. If it makes you feel better in 4 weeks I've feared heart attack, leukemia, ms, pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection, brain aneurysm, brain tumor, meningitis, DVT and now I'm back to pulmonary embolism. Everyday its something life threatening, every.ache, pain and twinge scares me.

Its horrible to live.with, every I constantly check my skin for marks/rashes/veins, my pulse, my temeperature its become an obsession. Hope you feel better soon, anxietys a killer x