View Full Version : California dreamin'

30-07-13, 00:16
Hi Guys,
I am glad that i found this Forum.
I am 40 and have been suffering from Panic and some Phobias on and off for about 10 years. Did try to fight it alone with the help of books and CDs and also had some councelling sessions in the past.
Finally i started some meds one week ago (Citalopram 10) and hoping for them to work in a few weeks.
Lost a stressful job because of the anxiety in the past too.
Trouble with planes, dentist, hairdresser, concerts, theatre, restaurants, et.
Still like to travel but i like to book all last minute (if pos) because i never know how i feel on the day.
Lived in Germany, London, Switzerland and California.
Will start to read through the pages here and hope to talk to many of you soon.

30-07-13, 01:02
Hello. :) Nice to meet you. I am from Los Angeles here. :)

Sometimes travel helps me with my anxiety....as when I travel I am normally on vacation and can relax.

30-07-13, 01:41
:welcome: aboard to you

30-07-13, 01:49
A warm :welcome: Michael. There are lots of your fellow countrymen here too!


30-07-13, 02:56
A warm :welcome: Michael. There are lots of your fellow countrymen here too!


I just wanna say I wish I lived in California!! Seriously:shades: Welcome to NMP:yesyes::welcome:

30-07-13, 06:35
:welcome: Gill

30-07-13, 17:30
Hey Guys,
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Best wishes from the city by the bay.

30-07-13, 17:35
Hi Michael
I have had panic for over 40 years, self help??????? so far it doesn't work
Meds help some. but my dr said I will never get better, so need lots of support from those who understand

30-07-13, 21:22
Hi Kadyjane,
I can recommend the book "Full Catastrophe Living" or "Feel the fear and do it anyway".
I was told in the past that the anxiety and panic will not go away 100% and always be a part of me but at least it can be reduced so you are no longer unable to enjoy your life.
Don't like to go too far of topic here but hope to be able to read and share more on other pages of the forum.