View Full Version : ear wax - really worried!

30-07-13, 00:49
Hi everyone, i have always had a bit of problem with ear wax and i hav been to doctor about it quite a few times and they always give some drops and it clears up only this time the drops arent working. I cant hear very well at all out of one ear and i am also getting ear pain especially when swollowing and drinking/eating is that normal with ear wax blockage? Im really worried its a tumour this time. I also have ringing in my ear which is driving me nuts. Im so scared and worried right now. Any advice? Has anyone had this?

Please reply
love louise xx

30-07-13, 00:51
Do you get your ears syringed as well?

30-07-13, 01:00
I very much doubt that it's anything as serious as a tumor hun.

I've suffered with ear wax all of my life, have had many syringes too.

I know that if my ears block up badly with wax, especially if I've been using drops too, as they expand the wax before they do anything else, I've had ear ache too, it's just where the expanded wax pushes against the lining of your ear, so yes, it will hurt when you swallow or if you blow your nose. I've also had the ringing too.

I would advise that you either go and see your doctor or even one of the practice nurses so that they can have a look in your ear and maybe syringe it if they feel that's needed.

Syringing isn't at all painful and it will be very quick because the drops would have made that wax nice and soft now so it will just come out without much effort :)

30-07-13, 06:55
DEFinitely don't use cotton buds! I know it's tempting but... ;)

30-07-13, 06:58
It's not going to be a tumor. I had problem with my ears as a kid and sometimes the drops just don't cut it. Mine was so bad even syringing couldn't get it out, so I had to go and get it sucked out with a special machine! I'm sure your's won't be that bad, but really, it wasn't a huge deal. They can fix these things pretty easily and you probably just need to give it a bit more time. If not, go back to the doctor and take it from there. You shouldn't be worrying yourself about tumors though.

30-07-13, 07:21
You may have a blockage in your Eustachian tube. It's a tiny closed tube in your middle ear but it opens up temporarily when we yawn, swallow & ear clean. There are various reasons why it can get blocked (nothing serious) but it can cause earache, tinnitus, crackling & mild hearing loss. I had this last year but I also had quite bad dizziness with it. My doctor checked my ears for wax but they were clean. Unfortunately there isn't a 'cure' for it & it's something that heals itself! It really is nothing to worry about - just annoying & a bit uncomfortable. It may not be that but I would see your doctor just to get it checked. xx

30-07-13, 12:37
Get some cotton wool, dip it in olive iol and plug your ear with it for 20 minutes a day. DO NOT use cotton buds, they simply compressed wax into the ear, and introduce bacteria.