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16-10-06, 16:20
Hi does christmas make you more anxious?I find around about October I start to get really stressed,the build up to christmas stresses me out.I hate having to go shopping in crowded places everybody going mad.I find the shops hard anytime of year,but coming up to christmas is a nightmare:(I get stressed at putting the decorations up,wrapping pressies the lot.Maybe its because I dont have children,perhaps it would be more fun then I dont know!!!!!!!I get very depressed at Christmas.I have alot of family problems,my brother is an alcoholic so he has made christmas a thing to forget.Im sure if I lived with my partner and had our own place it would be a whole lot different.I used to love it when I was a kid,and all the family were around,but the family has all gone its seperate ways and some have died.O well I sound depressing and gone on enough.Take care.[V]

Ellen XX

16-10-06, 16:25
Hi ellen, I know how you feel. x-mas is coming and also my b-day. I just feel stressed at x-mas because of all the running around. My parents are no longer together so I have to go on my mom's side and then my dad's and then my boyfriend's family. I jsut find it too much sometimes and I am already dreading it. I don't have kids so x-mas isn't really woopty doo for me! I feel for you!


16-10-06, 16:29
Thanks nini,It certainly isnt woopty doo for me either.You dont seem to have it easy,trying to please everyone.Im the big 40 soon as well.

Ellen XX

16-10-06, 16:31
I find Christmas challenging too - but I put it mainly down to the dark nights and financial stresses.

Now though, I try not to allow Christmas to become all-consuming like it used to be for me...I chill out and let it happen around me. ;)

And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance

16-10-06, 16:32
um,christmas just around the corner,i ca,nt wait to be honest,karen my daughter will be coming home from uni, i miss her so much ,. every year though i wish my mum and dad we,er here,but fortunatly we are a close family and that helps i guess i feel it most as i am the only one that lives away. I always put a photo of my parents on the tree along with a white dove my mum gave to me for my first christmas away from home. :(

16-10-06, 16:57
I HATE xmas.
I used to love it as a kid and used to count down the days. But since my parents divorced when i was 18 i dread every minute.
It is a logistical nightmare. We always end up falling out, as it is impossible to see evryone. I also associate xmas with panic as that is when any period of panic i have had tends to start.

What with the dark nights, it is just enough to make me constantly wish 6 months of the year away back to spring!

Hay x

16-10-06, 17:22
hi ellen

i know how you feel. i dread christmas. its just me and my hubby we dont have any kids. it used to be a really special time but my mum and dad passed away and i had a fallout with my sister and she stopped me seeing my neices and nephews. i find it all really sad time. i speak to my sister now but coz i didn't see my nieces and nephews for so long i don't really know them now and i don't see enough of them to get to know them better! i usually spend most of christmas in tears and the way i'me feeling at the moment i don't feel like shopping for prezzies.
lots of hugs for you

16-10-06, 18:08
Hi there, try not to let the build up to christmas get you down? It will happen whether we want it to or not! Write lots of lists of things you need to buy/do, do them as early as possible to avoid crowds (on-line if poss.) write your cards early, wrap presents as soon as you can. It is one day, can you spend it with your partner? if you have to do the usual visits, just do an hour or so at each and try to find some time at the end of the day for each other? Christmas can be a difficult time for so many people, you are certainly not alone in how you feel. In my opinion, if there are problems in the family etc. they are there year round, christmas just highlights them - take care and please keep in touch. xxx

16-10-06, 19:35
christmas is a very stressful time for anyone its all the hassle of the shopping and then all the arguments of were you go for christmas dinner i hate.also thats the time i started to be ill so i think of that alot more.but are you ready for this-----------------------well my neighbour has just come for me and said i want to show you something down the road, we got in car and somebody has decorated there house with thousands of lights and a christmas tree its only the 16th of october i couldnt believe it.take care all tracy:)

16-10-06, 19:42
I will dig out a post Charlie did about Xmas - it will cheer you up

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


16-10-06, 21:14
Ok here you go ...

CHRISTMAS - and how to survive it? Help (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=342)

People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel


16-10-06, 21:26
My wife wants to go shopping every day for weeks, well it's begun already. Us guys could go out once and buy it all! Before i met her, one year i got the Argos caterlogue picked something for each of my family, and then just bought it all, so easy just one trip.
These days i've recovered from my fear of shops and going out, but i still get cross with all the people over spending and just wandering aimlessly.
My ideal Christ-mas day would be midnight mass, then morning service, finding time to read different gospel accounts to my 5 children. A simple small dinner and presents either the day before or day after. I'll never get it!
Love, Paul.

Love to all members

16-10-06, 23:15
Thank you everyone you have all been great,I felt so alone with these thoughts of christmas,I thought everyone was happy and jolly at christmas time but I was wrong.I will be thinking of you all.
thank you

Ellen XX
Thank you nic for the post:)

17-10-06, 12:44
HelloEllen [and all grinches lol!]i am the same honest ,iget totally stressed out.I too am divorced,but my duaghter has gone to her dads at xmaz for years soooo i have xmas day on boxing day!!Sorted ,no arguments or feeling hard done by,Hey Ellen why dont you and your partner treat yourselves to a dinner out on xmas eve,have youe own private xmas,you can keep it a secret[wellnot here lol]worth a try it works for me!love mary rose,xxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

17-10-06, 13:22
You are all so lovely here, coming on this forum was the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!![^]:)[^]:)

Ellen XX

25-10-06, 19:11
Hi, I find xmas very very stressful, i always say i am starting the prezzie shopping early, this year i have, ive brought every thing from the internet (things were cheaper as well), i have P/A's and Anxiety so i hate the crowded shops ect, i am trying 2 make it easier 4myself this year
all the best sparkles

25-10-06, 19:17
Hi, I find xmas very very stressful, i always say i am starting the prezzie shopping early, this year i have, ive brought every thing from the internet (things were cheaper as well), i have P/A's and Anxiety so i hate the crowded shops ect, i am trying 2 make it easier 4myself this year
all the best sparkles

25-10-06, 23:45
HI, i find christmas brilliant now that i think about the true meaning! I freaked My kids out by asking for a donkey for Ethiopia. We do alot of shopping online, it saves traipsing round shops which i find difficult anyway, its delivered to your door, could just do with a 'wrapper' now.